"I see, that's some quite advanced magic then. Now, don't take this the wrong way, but why would your father teach you how to make a staff if you don't need it, and if it's useful to the most powerful wizards."

I had thought about this myself, "I think it was an exercise. If you remember, I couldn't really control my magic and I always had accidental magic, and my metamorphing abilities were all over the place. I reckon he did it so that I'd learn better control over my abilities and understand that magic was about more than just wandwork."

"I suppose that makes sense." He answered.

"Can you show us some stuff with it?" James asked, looking excited.

"We're not allowed to magic outside school, remember?" I said, rolling my eyes.

"Yeah, but did you learn to fight with it?" I nodded, "Show us!"

I felt suddenly embarrassed at the prospect of performing for them. I shook my head and looked down at the ground.

"Oh, please, Ollie!" He urged me. The other two began begging too.

I sighed, "Not today, anyway, it's getting late and all the mosquitoes and stuff are coming out."

They all moaned, "Oh alright then, but another time, promise?"

I groaned, "Fine! I promise."

They carried all the bags in, now cheering and I looked around the fields before bringing my staff inside.


"Okay, how about two of us make the pizza dough, so me and one of you three, then the other two cut up and put on the toppings?" I asked, sitting down on one of the chairs in small kitchen we had gathered in after making up our beds in the big room where all the animals had once been. Though the room was big, however, we had all put up our beds close to each other so that the evenings would be cosy.

"Sounds good, I'll help you with the dough," Remus said, smiling.

"Thanks, Remus, we'll just get started now because the dough has to rise for at least half an hour." I said, to which Remus nodded, and began rolling up his sleeves.

"We'll go try out that swinging rope thing!" Sirius exclaimed, referring to the rope that was tied to the ceiling you could use to swing from a platform down into a large bed of hay. Remus and I had had a lot of fun doing that as children.

I turned on the small radio in the kitchen and started finding out all the ingredients.

As we made the dough, or rather, as I made the dough and Remus watched, we talked. It felt great. I hadn't seen him in three years and I had almost forgotten just how much I missed the boy. Almost.

"So, ickle-Remmikins, any girls you fancy?" I sneered jokingly at him.

He gulped and answered, rather quickly, "No, I couldn't say so."

I scoffed, "Your reaction didn't agree with your words."

"Well, that's strange because there aren't any girls I fancy." He replied, calmly. Though he had seemed stressed when I first asked him, I could tell he wasn't lying now.

"Alright, alright. what have you all been up to at school anyway, what subjects are you taking this year?"

"Well, all us boys have gotten into a fair bit of trouble- well, Sirius and James mostly, they play all those practical jokes all the time and aren't clever enough, or rather careful enough, not to get caught- I've actually been chosen as a prefect."

I beamed at him, "Excellent, Remus. You deserve it."

He smiled back at me, though it was a little strained, "Yes well, I'm not sure about that. Anyway, I have all the normal subjects as well as arithmancy, care of magical creatures, and divination. James has divination and care of magical creatures, and I think Sirius has ancient runes, muggle studies, and care of magical creatures."

I let out a "hah" when I heard Sirius took muggle studies, he had probably chosen it just to spite his parents.

"I know, right," Remus smiled, "What subjects have you taken?"

"Well, it's not really been that straight forward, really, as I hardly ever went to school. I've learnt a fair bit about care of magical creatures, ancient runes, and arithmancy. Father never taught me divination, he thought it was a load of crap."

Remus scoffed, but grinned, "It really is, but it's an easy O. What will you choose this year then?"

"I reckon I'll do arithmancy and ancient runes, but I'm supposed to talk to Dumbledore before school starts. I really want to do alchemy too, though it's only for sixth and seventh years, but I'm not sure."

I laid a cloth over the bowl of dough to keep any flies off and grinned, "All done!"

We walked through the doorway to the barnroom to see Sirius and James in a rather compromising position. James was lying on the ground, erupting with fits of giggles, and Sirius sat on top of him, his knees on either side of James' waist, tickling him relentlessly.

"Oh, sorry boys. Put a sock on the door next time!" I yelled. They both froze and looked at Remus and I, who were now laughing hard, then Sirius rolled quickly off of James, who sat up and brushed hay off his clothes.

"You're just jealous it wasn't you, eh?" Sirius said, smirking at me, and walking up to me to tickle me my throat with a piece of straw in a way that was clearly supposed to be seductive.

I felt my entire face burn up, but answered as sarcastically as I could, "Oh yes, Black, all for you," I paused, wondering if I dared continue, "Daddy." I whispered in his ear.

He froze again, and though he merely looked down at me with a smirk, I could see that his eyes had grown darker, and his ears were slightly pink, though hidden well under his thick hair.

"Oi, Sirius, quit flirting and come help me cut these flipping tomatoes!" James called.


So we're over 1k reads, exciting times! I'm in the middle of my exams, I've got maths tomorrow and I've been preparing for the last two months but I still don't feel prepared enough.

Hope you're all well,

Lots of love,


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