Okay, if she didn't stop that right now, obscenities would be committed in this very gym.

"I told you to put me down, Shayne, but your egotistical self wouldn't listen to me. Now, thanks to you, someone had the opportunity to take a clear shot of my backside and share it with the rest of the world."

I ignored her snappish and disrespectful tone, and instead focused on the importance of her words.

"Hold on," I said icily, and picked up my tablet.

It didn't take more than a second for the link of a picture to pop up on my screen.

I tapped on it, and behold, there was a perfect shot of a perfect ass.

It was anger that I felt, instead of amusement.

There was nothing funny or entertaining about depriving someone of their privacy or dignity.

Especially when it came to something that I wasn't willing to share.

"Theo, go down to the surveillance room, ask for the video of the café from yesterday, and then find out who took the picture. Sasha, call Jamal, and make sure he gets rid of any trace of that picture, I don't give a shit about how he does it."

This was one of those times when Theo and Sasha knew not to mess with their boss, because one look at my face and they were gone in an instant.

"What's the purpose?"

I turned back to Olivia, the demeaning tone of her voice still irking the shit out of me.

But she looked so damn inviting standing there with her hand resting against her full hip.

"What do you mean?" I said, torn between punishing her and kissing her senseless.

"I mean, it's not like the source of the picture is to blame here. It's your crazy and unthinking brain that's responsible. I told you to put me down, but no, your irrational..."

"Hey! Lose the fucking attitude, will you?" I snapped, and to my pleasure, the defiant demeanor instantly vanished.

But the beauty still had the nerve to roll her eyes and turn the fuck away from me.

What the...

I grabbed her hand and yanked it back so she could face me.

As a result, the force caused her body to collide into mine.

I almost growled at the contact.

She gasped loudly and tried to move away, but my arm went around her waist in a vice like hold.

"Shayne, let me go." She was wise enough to stay still and not wiggle against me.

I brought down my face to her ear and took in a deep breath.

Mmmm. Vanilla. Lilies. And chocolate?

She stood tensed with her hands frozen against her sides.

"If you ever talk to me like that again in front of my employees, I will make due on that threat I made in the emergency stairway. Do you remember it?"

She slowly nodded her head.

I let her go and revelled in watching the blush on her face deepen further.

"What time are you getting off for lunch?" I said, truly enjoying myself.

"Uhm...I-I can't d-do lunch," she quietly said.

She wasn't even looking at me, her eyes seemed to be studying her cute little feet.

"Why not?" She couldn't possibly have changed her mind because of the whole picture issue.

"Mr. Pierce thought it'd be best to start shooting during lunch."

Of course.

I looked at my wristwatch and looked back at her.

Her arms were folded over her chest in a reserved sort of way.

I wasn't going to lie, feisty Olivia was hot as fuck.

"Okay, then. Since it's ten fifteen, do you want to have brunch with me?"

She finally looked up at me with the most adorable confused look.

"Don't you have work?"

"I come to work at six in the morning, and leave at ten in the evening. I'm pretty sure my empire will still be standing when I get back?" I said, allowing a slight smile to slip.

She immediately looked away with a blush.

"So? Wanna have brunch with me?"


She bit her bottom lip and it made me want to do it for her instead.

"Wait for me at my office, I'll be there in a minute."

She just nodded her head and walked away.

Those jeans looked very good.

"Olivia," I said when she was a distance away from me.

She stopped and looked back at me.


"You look amazing."

"Th-thanks," she shyly said before turning back.

She slightly tripped over a stray dumbbell, but continued to bravely walk away.

I scratched the back of my head and chuckled at her cuteness before looking around the gym and seeing the wondering eyes.

"If you want something to look at, I have plenty of termination forms waiting to be filled."

Everyone immediately went back to whatever they were doing before the stunning brunette had walked in.

That's right.

...But seriously, I really liked feisty Olivia.

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