New Chains // Same Shackles

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Juniper's P.O.V:
"SHIT!" I scrambled from the bed (after noticing 16 missed calls & 29 messages from Eric), clumsily tripping over my own legs resulting in falling flat on my my face. I quickly take a look at myself in the mirror. Fuck I thought to myself as I saw how messy my hair looked after waking up. I stepped into the shower, shivering from how icy the water was against my skin causing goosebumps to form.

After stepping out of the shower, I looked at the time on my phone. 7:56am it read. I didn't have time to do anything special with my hair or face so I just left it down to dry in its natural state. I didn't bother with my makeup considering I was going to be on one long ass flight to New Orleans. I threw on a pair of cycling shorts & an old black & grey tie-dye hoodie with my black slip on vans. I didn't need to dress up nicely.

I grabbed the remaining bags & suitcases as I took one last look around my old apartment. "Well old girl, we had some good times & some bad times. Can't say I'll miss you." I say, as if the actual apartment could hear me. I had a love/hate relationship with this apartment. Good memories were made, but there were a lot more bad ones that always drowned out the good ones.

I hailed a taxi to bring me to the airport. During the Taxi ride I decide to FaceTime Eric so he won't have a shit attack. "JUNE WHAT THE FUCK WHY DIDN'T YOU ANSWER?!" he practically screams as I just laugh. "Eric. Relax I'm on my way now. It's 8:10am now & my flight doesn't leave until 9am.. don't worry I'll make it." I smile in reassurance. "Okay.. you better. I'll be picking you up from the Airport at 3pm and if you don't mind the boys will be with me too." I pause in confusion, "What boys Er-" but before I could finish the call had already hung up. Prick I thought to myself.

I payed the Taxi driver & headed into the airport. After checking through all the security stuff, finally at around 8:45am I boarded my flight. When I finally felt the plane begin to take off I put my earbuds in & slumped back into my seat.

New Orleans, here I come. And with that I felt myself drift off into a long awaited slumber.

OKOK so this fanfic was kinda random & I know this chapter probably sucked ass but uhm yuhhh hehe. This probably won't get any views but that's ok hehe

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