"Dad! Help! Please! " The pain got so bad I started to puke again. What the heck is happening?!

He came rushing in with Bella behind him. I was on the floor groaning in pain.

" Princess?! What's wrong?! "Dad picked me up and carried me downstairs. I felt like someone was stabbing me.

" Zayn put Bridget in the car. I'll be out in a few. " I feel like I'm about to faint. I opened my eyes to see Perrie stroking my hair. In a few seconds a wave of nausea came over me. Blackness was all I saw.


" Zayn I think Bridget fainted. " He looked at her and started to panic. Where is Niall?

The door opened and Niall got in. I wonder what's wrong with her? She was perfectly fine when she was eating the ice cream so I don't think it was that.

I just hope it's nothing bad. I can't stand to see kids in pain. It's so devastating.


Since Niall left I decided now would be a good time to go get Destiny. I just hope I'm doing the right thing. I need to create a reason why I'm leaving so they don't get suspicious.

I grabbed my phone, purse, and glasses. I went downstairs and I was so close to the door but Harry just had to ask where I'm going.

"I'm going to get Bridget a present. I feel bad for what happened. " I lied right through my teeth.

" I'll come too. I haven't been shopping in a while. Girls do you want to come too? " Eleanor basically invited herself, Dani, Brooklyn, and Marci. What the hell?

They grabbed their belongings and followed me to the car. No way am I going to the hospital now. I have a back up plan though. It better work this time.

After shopping.......

We all bought her balloons and stuffed animals. We didn't get any unicorn ones just dogs because she likes those.

I pulled into the parking lot and grabbed the stuff. We walked to the front desk and did all of the boring stuff. In the elevator all of the girls beside me and Marci talked about shopping and girls day.

This is why I should have just climbed out the window. It's not a far jump. The grass is right under neath the window.

As soon as the doors open I ran straight to Bridget's room. I'm tired of hearing about shopping. I love shopping but not that much.


I walked in to see Bridget awake eating ice cream. She patted the spot next to her so I sat with her.

"What was wrong sis? " She took her last scoop and set her cup down.

" I had appendicitis. That was probably the worst feeling that I have ever been in. I'm better now. Do you want some ice cream? " I nodded and she handed me one. Chocolate yummy!

" I'm glad that you're okay Bri. " She laughed at the nick name I gave her when I was eight.

I'm glad we're not fighting anymore. I missed moments like these.

" Hey guys I'm going to get something from the house and I'll be back soon. Hope you're feeling better Bridget. Okay bye. " Bella grabbed her stuff and ran out the room. She didn't even use the elevator.

I think someone forgot we're on the sixth floor. Hey she'll be getting a workout.


I was in my 'room' when Tori came in. She looked a little sad.  She had a basket in her hand though. She handed it to me. I looked and saw it had every type of candy you could think of. Except Reese's™ I absolutely hate those. I hate when chocolate and peanut butter are touching.

"Thanks so much Tori but what is this for? "  She went outside and pulled someone in. I looked up to see my sister.

" Bella! " I gave her a gigantic hug. Even though she hates me she came to visit me.

" Destiny do you have all of your stuff packed? "

I stared at her confused. Is she taking me home?

" Yes and no. I haven't unpacked my suitcase. It's over there though. " I pointed at the corner of the room.

She walked over and grabbed it. She laced her fingers through mine and walked me down to the lobby. I can't believe she's letting me leave. Or she's going to put I me in the orphanage. Uh oh.

She signed the papers and we walked over to the car. Tori gave me her number so I can talk to her as long as I want. I've missed seeing the outside world.

At the hospital....


I tip toed to Bridget's room which is hard when I'm wearing heels. I could tell Destiny was confused why we're here. I made a plan so they wouldn't see her. 

"Okay Destiny you have to stay out here for five minutes so I can say bye to them okay. " She nodded while playing with her sweatpants.

I opened the door and smiled at them.

" Hey guys! How are you feeling Bridget? " I blocked the door in a casual way.

" Good thanks! So where were you? " Oh crap. Lie Bella.

" Like I said at the house. Speaking of house I have to go to my apartment. So I'll see you guys later. "

I started to feel the door move behind me. I'm so busted.

" Bella can we leave no-oh. Never mind then. " Destiny shut the door and I closed my eyes. I could just feel the glares coming from them.

I feel like fresh meat. I'm so going to be murdered by them in my sleep. Just wait.

Kaye ----

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