Chapter 5

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We finally got to the house. By house I mean freaking mansion. This is like ten times bigger than our old house and the orphanage combined. I felt a hand on the small of my back. I turned my head to see  Louis.

'' Come on love let's go see your new room.''  I'm not one to get excited over a bedroom. But right now I want to run a head and check it out but... I have no idea where it is.

He lead us up the staircase. I just now realized we have a loft. I shall use that in a few hours. 

 We finally stopped at a hallway with two doors. One says Bridget and the other says mine. 

'' I'll let you unpack and check it out. There's a surprise waiting for you inside.'' He winked then kissed my forehead.

I waited till he left to burst my door open . I opened it like my life deepened on it.

The first thing  I saw was a big white canopy bed. It had lime green sheets with white pillows. The walls were lime green with white trimmings. On the left side of the room there was a white desk with a lime green chair that spins !!

I walked closer and saw it had every single Apple product. Meaning the iPad mini and the original. The iPhone 5s , even the Mac Book Pro. Also the Apple iPod 5th generation.

I have been with them less than an hour and I already feel spoiled.

There  were two doors it was a bathroom and walk -in closet filled with clothes I like and hair products I'll actually use.  I took my red suitcase and threw it in the closet.

I then remembered I had to talk to Bridget.

Her door was opened so I sat on her bed. She turned around when I slammed the door shut. 

'' Okay Bridget me and you both know that mom and dad never loved us. They abused the both of us for crying out loud ! Literally for crying out loud !  We were sisters before and we still are. I miss being able to come to you for problems. I miss being able to come to you when I have nightmares. I may look tough on the outside but on the inside,  I feel empty and lost.'' By the end of my speech we were both crying.

'' Brooklyn, I miss you too. Were supposed to always have each others back. But I was brain washed by that she-devil. Now since our mean parents our gone. Let's enjoy our new one. Also let's promise never to leave each other again.'' 

'' I promise !'' We said at the same time . I grabbed her hand then we walked down the staircase hand-in-hand .

" Yay our daughters are friends again !'' Louis shouted.

''Correction best friends. Anyway we were wondering if Zayn and were Liam our uncles.''  Bridget said.

'' Well we could be your uncles / dads / or brothers.'' Liam explained while giving us a smile. 

I looked at Bridget and nodded '' Brothers ! ''

I ran over to dad and sat on his lap.

"  Hey love, I never realized you had braces.''  

'' Well I get them off in two days. Then I can finally eat like a human.''  

'' That's great news.'' I honestly didn't want to go to sleep but I just had to yawn.

'' Bed time girls !''  All the boys shouted.

I grabbed Bridget's hand and walked up the stairs. I told her to grab her pj's because we're having a mini sleepover.

That and her room is way to pink.

I quickly went into my bathroom and took a shower. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I loosely did a side braid. 

I then chose red pajama pants with a white v neck. Bridget came in she had a pink v neck with white pajama shorts on. She jumped in the bed then suddenly fell asleep. I turned off the lamp then fell into nightmare world .

Nightmare :

Seven year old me was not supposed to be in the front seat. But like I said he never loved me. So he didn't care about my safety.

Me and my dad were coming from the store. He stayed in the car while I had to shop. I kind of  knew what was on the list though. Anyway my dad was starting to fall asleep so I took the steering wheel to wake him up.  I guess I scared him causing him to step on the gas pedal. We ran a stop light. That's when the truck came hurdling towards us. The truck tried to stop but ...... it was too late.

I was screaming till I was sucked into a black hole.

I woke screaming with beads of sweat trickling down my forehead. Bridget woke up then hugged my sweaty body.

'' Are you okay ? '' I could tell she was concerned. She was the one I went to for my nightmares.

'' It happened again. I keep waking up when I see the darkness.''  I swallowed back the bile that was starting to rise.

'' It's okay it's only ....  8:00 am let's get ready and cook the boys breakfast.''  I nodded my head she kissed my cheek then left the room.


I quickly got up and took a shower. I then brushed my teeth. Only one more day with these braces on then I'll have perfectly straight teeth.

I walked into my closet. I really have no idea what to wear today.

I chose my navy blue skinny jeans. A white tank top then a UK flag sweater. I put on my red Converse low tops.

I grabbed my red beanie then left.


Bridget ---

I took a hot shower and brushed my teeth.

I decided to curl my hair.

I grabbed my black  beanie.

I chose a white dress that has black flower's on the bottom. I put a black belt  in the middle. I grabbed my black high top's  then left.


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