Chapter 9

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'' Why the heck do you have my skateboard that I paid $290.00 dollars for ! You can't even skate ! " 

" I thought I could possibly be like my little sister.'' She retorted.

'' I don't want you to get hurt. Plus you practically stole my skateboard.'' I shoved her.

'' Don't you dare push me. I'm the older sister here. Go to your room.'' 

'' You can't tell me what to do . We're not even related. My mom died from a brain tumor, so my dad married your mother. Plus your dad died from drug overdose.''

'' Niall !'' 

She wants to play the dad game . Then we'll play.

'' Louis !''

Nothing.  A freaking pin could drop right now.

'' Well I'm going to go wake Niall up.'' She awkwardly ran up the stairs.

I was like two steps behind her. Until my right foot slipped.

I suddenly lost all balance and fell down all 18 steps.

It also didn't help that she was in Niall's room now. That didn't hurt because I've been through much worse.  I sat there for a good two minuets when I thought why not go to the park now. I grabbed my board and left the house.

I reached the park in like three minuets. I was surprised to see kid's who dress like me. I thought there would girly girls laying on blankets while getting a tan.

( A/N No offence to girly girls. I am one I just used it for the story.)

I felt a light tap on my arm . I saw a very pretty girl. She had blonde hair with fire red tips. '' Hi i'm Destiny Smith.''

'' Hi I'm Brooklyn Tomlinson. You don't look like a skater .''

'' Thank you ? Anyway I get that a lot so don't feel bad.''

''So you're the girl Louis adopted.''

'' Yeah and my older sister Bridget. So do you know the boy's ?''

'' Yep. Niall is my guitar teacher. Louis is my prank buddy. Harry I don't know . Liam help's me with my math and Zayn is my hair and art teacher.''

 '' Cool let's hit the ramps.''

1 hour later ---

''I better get going before the boys kill me in public.''
I hugged her goodbye and gave her my phone number.

'' Wait !  I forgot I have my math lesson now.'' She said while panting. 

'' Let's go I think I'm gonna get grounded forever.''

Okay there's chapter 9 

--- Kaye

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