Chapter 23

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Last time on Adopted By One Direction :

"Da-John why do you keep saying 'we' ? " I know I almost called him dad but can you blame me . He is my dad after all. By blood that is.

" Hit the lights ! '' He yelled. I guess the person before was there .You'll never believe who was standing at the door.



This morning I woke up and went to Brooklyn's room and she wasn't there . She wasn't in her bathroom or closet. Harry wasn't in his either. I told the boys to look for them but we didn't find anything. Brooklyn's bed was messy but Harry's was perfectly neat . 

(A/N I don't know if that made any sense at all)

Last night when Harry went to put Brooklyn to bed I could tell something was off. He was the very first one to do it. I mean as soon as she fell asleep he picked her up. I could be wrong though. I tried calling Harry but no progress . Brooklyn's phone's on her desk so.....yeah.

I decided to call the police. 

P- 999 what's your emergency ?

L- I would like to report two people missing .

P- Okay I need names, numbers, addresses , age ,and where they were the last time you saw them.

L- Okay names are Harold Edward Styles , number xxx-xxx-xxxx , address xxx-xxx , and he's 18 . He was last seen last night at about 11:22 pm. Then my adopted daughter Brooklyn Madison Tomlison , number xxx-xxx-xxxx , same address , and she's 11. We as in my friends last saw them when Harry went to put her to bed.

P- Thank you ! We will need you to tell us what they were last wearing .

L- Well me and my friend's had a onesie party so Brooklyn had a black one that had a white cat on the back. Harry had on tight black skinny jeans, a black shirt sleeves rolled up. Black boots and a black bandana around his head. Harry and this other person Destiny were the only one's who had on regular clothes.

P- Now what do they look like ?

L- Well Harry you can find his weight an height online because we're in a band. One Direction. He has emerald green eyes. He has lot's of tattoo's. He has very curly  brunette hair as well. Brooklyn is *weight and height* . She has *eye color* . She has long straight brunette  hair.

P- We'll work on it . Come down to the station in two hours.

They then hung up and I decided to call every person I knew . I even called Destiny's parent's and they said they couldn't find her either. Really ?!

Brooklyn ----

Destiny and Harry stood there smirking like this is a scene from Grown Ups 2 . I can't believe them . I trusted them and then they go and do this. No wonder they never had on a onesie. I thought they were too 'cool' for them . Now I know the truth. I even thought me an Harry had a bond .....I guess not.

'' W-why ? Did I do something for everybody to hate me ?'' I was on the verge of tears. I saw my dad's eye soften a bit but they changed from his warm chocolate eyes to  these dark ones . Wonder why ? 

'' Are you an idiot you not only killed your mother , but your 'step mom' and 'me' . '' He said putting air quotes around certain words.

'' For the last time I DIDN'T KILL MOM!!!! " I screamed as loud as I could. 

'' Don't scream at me ! You did do it anyway's . So Shut Up !! "

" Dad she had cancer . I can't be the blame for that. Mom loved you. To the moon and back. If she was here you wouldn't be like this. So why dad why did you change ?" I don't even care If I called him dad. He's always been my dad he just hasn't acted like it . He took a deep breath and sat on a spinney chair next to me.

'' I don't know. Maybe because you reminded me of her and I couln't stand to look at you. You guys are a like twins. It hurt to look at you because all I saw was your mother. Brooklyn I-I-I'm so sorry. I guess I've been letting all the pain out on you . I know you won't ever forgive me so ..... I'll turn myself in let you free and make these yahoo's face the consequences . '' What ???? 

He went behind me and just as I thought he was going to untie me I felt him grab my neck and spun me around so I could face him. Silly girl like he would help you . My subconscious reminded me. Oh I'm dead meat.

Kaye <3 ----


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