Chapter 26

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John ----

I watched as my plan played out perfectly. Mike my best mate was being beaten up by whats-her-face girl. I hired him and did the same thing I did to Jeff and Carol . I payed him a couple thousand bucks so....we're good.

I didn't know the girl would be there though. I must be the luckiest man on earth. I haven't been caught by the cops for over three years. I can get away with this.... right? I just sat back in my treehouse and drank my lemonade . My lifes good.


(before she saw Brooklyn)

I dragged Bridget into the living room where a medical team was , in case we needed them. They pulled out their wonderful stretchers for the unconscious and non-breathing Bridget. Half of the cops are with the boys while the rest are here. I nodded my head to the cops then signaled to the very high stairs. Someone could die from looking down.

We pulled out our guns. Ready for battle. I got the hand gun while the coppers got the shotgun's . I walked up the stairs and when I looked down I swear I saw my life flash before my eyes. I'm very afraid of heights. Its not even funny. Wait focus Marci. You're on a mission. A mission to kill. Mwahahah!!!


The girls were freaking out mostly Perrie .

" Bella I killed her ! I'm the worst aunt ever! I need Zayn . Why did I pull her out of the chair?! " She started crying in her arms . She really thinks she killed her.

" Perrie Louise Edwards ! You did not kill her. The poor girl was deprived of food and water. So she's weak. She tried k-killing her self because of it , okay? It's not your fault." Bella said while rubbing her back.

Marci then barged into the room cops behind. She took one glance at Perrie and then Brooklyn.

"Is she dead?" She asked barely above a whisper.

"Yeah,I killed her!" Perrie shouted at Marci. She crawled under the bed and rocked back and forth.

Muttering things along the lines of

'Its all my fault, I'm evil, Zayn probably hates me now.' The poor girl.

The medical team and the boys came rushing in. Louis looked like he wanted to cry. He saw Perrie crying under the bed, Eleanor who looks like she's still in shock, and Bella who looks like she might faint. This is not going to be a good day.

The medical team lifted Brooklyn up and onto the strecher. Thn they were off to the hospital.

"Eleanor, love are you okay?" Louis asked since she was staring at the ground . The exact spot Brooklyn fell. She didn't answer . In fact she fainted. Except she was still breathing.

"That's it we're calling back up. As for you guys go home and get some rest. Someone stay with Brooklyn though. John could be there to get her back." The chief said to them. They just nodded . Zayn picked up the now sleeping Perrie. Louis did the same to Eleanor. 

At the hospital......

Brooklyn was hooked up to all these different wires. She was breathing again. The doctors gave her some food. She is back to normal. They said she was really dehydrated. As for Bridget. She was dehydrated too. She's back to normal as well. They can leave tomorrow. Which is good because the boys have ro leave town since John knows where they live.

It's safe to say everyone is in for a bumpy ride.

Kaye <3----


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