Chapter one

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(All images, products and if I make allusions to anime, series and games do not belong to me)Everyone in the Loud house is quiet about sleeping in their rooms. Everyone except for a white-haired boy, this boy is Lincoln Loud the boy who has to sleep in the backyard because he is called Bad luck. But it looks like he has a strange dream.


There are two children playing with each other, one is a boy with white hair and the other is a girl with white hair as well. The two children play with each other until the boy is called by an elderly man, "I'm sorry but I have to go" the boy just wants to go until he is stopped by the girl holding his hand, "Wait!" The girl takes something from her bag and gives it to the boy. It is a necklace with a pendant. The girl says something else but only her mouth moves.

----------------(Dream end)-------

Lincoln shoots up from his sleep, bathed in cold sweat, "What the hell was that?" Lincoln looks at his hands and sees that he is shaking a bit. "That was just a dream, right?" Lincoln looks around and sees that the sun is rising, he gets up and puts on his orange polo shirt and his blue jeans "At least they gave me the right stuff to put on". Lincoln is on his way to school because he is not driven to school anyway, because his sisters and parents still believe in this stupid bad luck, not only the family believes in it but the whole school and his "friends" believe in it too. When Lincoln arrives at the school, he goes to his locker and opens it. The students on the way to his locker try to get around him as well as possible, even the teachers. When Lincoln has his books out, he sees something in the corner of the locker, it's a necklace with a pendant, "That's the necklace from the dream," Lincoln tries to open the pendant but it does not open. Lincoln shrugs it off and goes to his next class. When he arrives he sits down in the square in the last row.


The school is over and Lincoln is just coming out of the door when he sees his sisters in Vanzilla. He wants to walk by until Lynn, his athletic sister, says, "Hey Lincoln, would you like a drive home?" Lincoln is a little surprised, but he does not really think she's serious, "Really?" asks lincoln. "Of course not you idiot, your bad luck may bring us into a car accident" and Lori, the eldest of his sisters, sets off and leaves Lincoln at school. Lincoln starts walking down the street until he gets an idea, "Maybe I should ask Pop Pop for advice, and ask him about this dream, after all, he and I share a secret." Lincoln walks to the nursing home where his grandfather, or as he likes to call him Pop Pop, lives.

To be continued.

*So how do you like it? I would like to have a few suggestions for improvement if you have any. I apologize in case I have problems with grammar, I am actually German.*

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