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When i walk behine the curtins aubrey is just sitting there thinking.i ask can i join you she says yes we sit then i say whu didnt you tell me. She acts loke she doesn't know what i am talking about i say that you knew that they weren't dead that there somewhere alive an living she says becauae i don't know why .

I could see that she was fighting back the tears so i say just let it out it ok she listend an startes crying but i don't know why because shed didnt do anything wrong but she is right i have been shutting people out again even my. Husband an he keeps up with it . but what happends when he gets tierd of doing that what happends when i shut the girls out??? Why do i do that my mom an dad are gone i can't keep blaming it on them because i know deep down it because I'm scared that i eill disappointed people and they continue to take care of me like i am a child its time for me to grow up for god sake i am 24 years old i need to grow up so the rest of the day we talk about what happend.

Stefan p.o.v
Before i walk in the room the docture tells me that they passed out from stress an that she may be able to go home tomorrow. When i me and amy walk in the room the girl were cuddled up with beca on the bed. I start to tell her what the docture said but she quickly says where is aubrey. I wouldn't want to get in between this fat amy said because when they get started its like me when i was little fighting dingos an crocks i beat them like i eat cheese cake so we just point to the curtins .

Time pass

Beca p.o.v

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