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Then the lights go out

Beca p.o.v
When i woke up dw and dj were sitting in a chair they go up and quickly said mommy we are so sorry then dw says (don't say we tou made her faint because you screamed pleace don't die. I reply by saying [ no you didn't do this what made you think that you did this to me. She replys by saying because when i see people get hurt i get mad an i say stuff ar scramm stuff an they get hurt.but i understand if you hate me ir if you are mad at me.i reply by saying [no i would never hate you i love bkoth of you then the start crying i say come an lay with me]

They crawl in bed with me we talked dor haurs into thay fell asleep. Then stefan an amy walked inside the room they satrt to say something but i. Interrupt them by saying do anybody know where aubrey is they point to the curtin behind me i get up carefully not to wake them I go behine the curtins.

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