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Beca p.o.v
When i opened my eyes its nothing but white its like a television a chair was just sitting.So i walk over to the chair then a wave of head ache Goes over me then the room gets dark an the screen pops .

On the screen i see aubrey and i see myself on the tabel i hear screams and then aubrey says i need to get theses babys out of here and i see all of them laying inside a basket and she takes on by one and. An they start to walk .the baby boy starts crying she she says (be quiet baby i'm trying to save you and your sisters an if you keep crying i might not be able to get u out.the baby continue s to cry. She say i should of suspected you to be stubborn look who your parents are. The baby startes to giggle. She puts the babys inside a mans hands and he walks away.then the screen goes black again an i feel tears stream down my cheek because for weeks and weeks i blamed myself for them being gone but there alive

Aburey p.o.v
When i open my eyes i see beca. She was sitting. With her haed inside her knees i   saw tears streaming down her face. then stefan comes in an says its not your falt maybe it happend for a reason we both contributed to the problem.)beca replay by saying yea it is i was there first home i am there mom for gods sake i was supposed to take care of them . life is bad luck for anyone who comes near me . an i hate myself for that because you have to wake up every morning thinking about what we could have been. How our family is messed up becauss of me. I deserve this but you didn't i messed up the chance for you to have a family . an now i live. it should have been me instead of them my time caught up but it took the wrong people. An i understand. If you hate me because i hate myself everyday. An i can't die becauae i am already dead. Stefan. Picks her up an they go to the porch an sit an watch as time goes bye

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