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When we got into the car I realized that I forgot my I told Stefan to wait while go go get it.when I go back into the room I hear a voice that I haven't heard in a long time.

Beca:Chloe what do you want!?!

Chloe:what else to ruen your life.I haven't been doing that because your life has been boring but now isn't maybe I could kill you or them or both you choose

Beca:well I choose none because the situation has changed an the card are in my favor now . you had your turn .I say grabbing my bag
An starting to walk out the room

Chloe:well I hope that they can count on you because that is what you said last time.Right

Beca:OK you have no right to bring anyone of them onto this because this is between me an you not you an them OK.

Chloe:maybe I will have mercy it's  sensible .to think about it when have I ever been sensible.

I continue walking out the room instead of going back an FORTH with her.when I leave the hospital an get in the car I didn't bather to even tell stefan .when we go into the house we take the girls up to there room. they walk into the room look around then walk back over to me and stefan an give us a hug.

Beca: what's this for

DW :because 

Beca: well I will take this because  hug.

We leave the girls to get go know the stefan orders a  pizza an I get into the shower.when I come out the shower I sit next to Stefan on the bed . then Stefan leans in for a kiss.but we were intrupped by the girls running into the room an jumping on the bed then they sit in between us.

dj :well I like here and I've been 💭 thinking I like you guy so can I call you mom an dad

Beca: yea of course sweetheart

dj: well I think you won me over but its going to be hard to get DW because she Never shows her feeling to anyone sometimes not even me an I am her twin sister.well its like a gate that when someone does something bad to her or make her mad she closes it so they don't see her feelings but even when she does put on a strong look I can see she's not as mad as she looks.its like  i am her key to the gate an she's my keeper

DW: I don't do that

Then the door bell rings we all yell pizza🍕🍕🍕 

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