batteries to a heart (poem)

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so yeah, this is a poem.

it's bad and short..

don't throw your fire cat card at me for how terrible it is..

but I guess I'm posting them somewhere and I guess I'm stated here.

cool vanilla beans.


My heart is a wind-up toy.

At birth it started and

eventually the twist of the handle

will have rewound completely.

My breathing will stop, and the

world will go on.

During my lifetime, my heart

will be accompanied by batteries.

No, not to continue the life of it. But to

regenerate the love it continues to offer.

You gave me the batteries to my heart.

But like all batteries, they eventually

need to be replaced.. you could not

provide another supply. I should've

known that. Your dead batteries will

stay in my wind-up heart until

you or someone else is willing to

give me new ones.

As for you, I was the batteries

I gave you, and I had more

of my self supply ready for when you

needed it. But, you only allowed

me to give you one, so I snuck myself in.

But you replaced the batteries, you replaced me..

Now my wind-up heart has sped up.

It will come to it's end faster than planned..

until my need of batteries it filled.

one day i began to thinkWhere stories live. Discover now