Josh- "Well if you're so smart, why don't you prove to us that she's not the suspect."

Oh, you want to go down that path. Okay, you're wish is my command.

Me-"Alright, I will. (I start walking to the door) Just letting you know, you two are dumbos and idiots who don't have a heart to a friend. I see nothing of you guys that is worthy to recruit for this team.

Before I could leave, someone grabs my arm harshly and makes me turn around.

Matthew- "Okay Kendra, It's not like you did anything beneficial to this team. Josh and I put as much effort are you do. I mean, c'mom, you went on that stupid break!"

Me- "Oh I do way more than both of you combined for this team. And actually, I have a reason for that break but look where I am now, I'm back, helping you guys. Also, only Victoria and I do everything while you and your lazy butts just follow along what we're doing. You don't even know what the heck you're doing for this team! If you really truly care for this team, you should care for your teammates, traitor or not. Why are you on this team if you can't trust them? You've been friends with her long enough to get to know her. There's always something called acting and lying. The answer isn't always going to pop up magically, you have to work for it. Anyways, I should probably go."

A/N: That was the longest paragraph in this story, I think. Hope you're proud. I just started writing without even thinking what to put :)

I make my way out the door and walk to the bus stop, but I hear someone call my name.


As this time, the bus has arrived and I step in without looking back.

Josh's POV

Great!!! Now I feel bad. Gosh why is she so convincing! I hate it!!!

Matthew- "I feel you bro."

I sit on the couch tugging my hair fiercely.

Me- "What are we going to do now?"

We both stood there in silence. Both of us didn't know what to do.

Matthew- "Well, I guess it's time to think of a plan."

"How are we going to do that?"

"We use our brains, unlike some people who don't."

I ask, "Do you really believe what Kendra said is true?"

Everything goes silent. He finally says,

"I mean..." I interrupt him saying,

"I kinda believe it. I admit, I do nothing but do what you guys tell me to do. Sometimes I feel like nobody because I seem useless to the team."

He immediately says, "Don't feel like that. You are a somebody and you do enough for this team. Just forget whatever Kendra said."

"But it's true! I have no use for this team if I don't know what I'm doing in the first place. Why am I recruited if I'm not worthy? Why am I here if I'm just going to sit around while you plan out the plan? Why am I here, on this team? I shouldn't be on the team to begin with. I'm not capable in being a spy."

He says, "Josh, what are you doing? You can't quit, we need you."

"Think again. Do you?"

"You can't do this, Boss-"

"I don't care what Boss thinks right now. He probably got the wrong person to recruit. I'm done. 

I grab my stuff and walk to the door. But Matthew stops me by saying,

"You can't do this. We are friends. We need each other."

"That's exactly what Kendra is trying to say to you about Victoria. You're just saying that but it doesn't mean anything."

"Okay right now you're being a hypocrite because you agreed with me."

"But now, I realized what Kendra is trying to say. Everything she said is true."

"Please don't do it. Everything I said means-"

"It means nothing. If I were in Victoria's place, you would treat me the way you treat her. I'm just one of those nobodys who do nothing unless they are needed which is not that often. I'm done."

I walk out the door and ride my bike home. I can't believe I just did that. It's hard letting out my feeling if I couldn't even feel them in the first place. I can't do this anymore. I give up.

After writing this chapter, I feel so depressed right now. Gosh, this was intense. You guessed it, there's more :)

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