Chapter 5: A Whole New World

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"Which is?"

"Newark, New Jersey so that once you're ready to move to New York, it's just a matter of a long drive. No hassle of moving drastically interstate. "

"I don't remember you saying Marcus had an estate in New Jersey."

"Here's another story for ya. One about his childhood."

I slumped in my seat. "Yeah, I wouldn't know."

"New Jersey is actually his hometown. He was born and raised there. He even got married there for the first time and had his only child there.

"Yeah, I was aware of that but not that it was in New Jersey."

"He'd hate for anyone to know. He has an estate there that he swore to his late mother he'd never give up. It was his very first estate after renting for many years with his wife and a few years with his kid. Newark is a place of such low market value due to high crime rates but don't worry, it's all petty stuff like robbing little stores and gang rivalry in certain parts. You'll be all the way up in a penthouse so there's absolutely nothing to worry about. 

"Where even is this estranged son of his? I don't even know his age or his name. Apparently he was a really bad kid so he ran away when he was young and loathed Marcus thereafter."

"Yes, I heard about that. Also heard the kid is a deadbeat drug addict whose life now revolves around crime like a moth attracted to a nightlight. Oh well. That's not our problem. So no one actually resides in that penthouse but Marcus had cleaners come every few weeks to keep the place clean and decaying from dust. It will be easy peasy for you to move in as soon as possible. It's a stunning place with an amazing view."

"Alright. I'm pretty much entrusting my entire life to you."

Ian scoffs. "*Pffft* Not even. I'm just putting a roof over your head."

"Yep, no biggie." I said in the most sarcastic tone. "So when is moving day?"

"Why don't I give you three days to pack all your essential belongings and you'll be off from there."

"Sounds good, I guess."

"And don't pack your entire mansion. I get that I'll be putting you on business class which pretty much lends you a quarter of the plane worths of baggage but you'll be buying new furniture and belongings there anyway."


Nine o'clock AM.

Friday and moving day had come.

With the help of Sofia and Greta, I filled four large luggages with clothing til they looked like they were going to explode. I also packed a handbag with all my valuables such as my devices, passport and wallet. Why not make the most of all the bags that I had. What's funny is that the entire set is Louis Vuitton, thanks to mother. It has come in handy at last.

As I wheeled my luggages out, I took one more glance at my room in which I spent ninety-nine percent of my days for the past four years. "Thank you for providing refuge, you plain old thing." I sighed.

Luckily, Sofia and Greta were able to find a job elsewhere and they said they were very pleased with it.

My driver helped us stow the luggages and bags in the boot. After that, I exchanged embraces and goodbyes with Greta and Sofia. I thanked them for all they had done. Ian opened my door for me and he ushered me in. The car backed out of the driveway and I was able to take one last glance at the most gorgeous dwelling. No matter how lonely I've always felt in that home, it will always hold a large piece of my heart. After all, it served as a cave, a refuge.

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