A tear slid down her cheek as she felt the male get closer to her, and she growled in a low warning when he touched her arm to turn her in his direction.

    "Lou, I'm-- Oh, God, Lou what's wrong?" he asked, panic clear in his voice.

    She couldn't look at him as she shook, her fear getting the better of her. She'd thought she was past this, past being afraid of males. She wasn't afraid of the warriors anymore, nervous maybe but that was mostly because she wanted to prove herself as a wolf.

    None of them have done anything to make you feel trapped. Cain just cornered you in his office, stopping you from leaving, a soft voice reminded her as she tried to get a hold of herself.

    Her voice hitched, and she still couldn't look at him. She was ashamed at her fear of him, ashamed that she was afraid at all, but she was also angry at him and at herself. "I--I'd like to leave, please."

She knew the moment he realized what he was doing, because his body snapped up straight and he took two steps away from her. "Fuck," he said to himself, his next words slightly louder. "Lou, I didn't mean it."

    He actually sounded sincere, but that only calmed her wolf slightly. They needed to get out of there. Now.

    Without another word, she opened the door and slipped out into the hall, closing it softly behind her. Another tear streamed down her face and she leaned back against the solid door. She flinched as something broke inside the office; likely something that had been thrown.

    "Dinner's ready!" Kristine called from the kitchen. Lou heard the many voices of the pack members as they descended upon the kitchen. Riley, Caroline, and Jack were still gone, but the rest of the pack was chatted merrily as they all prepared for dinner.

    "C'mon, Henry. Mommy will be upset if we're late!" Will chuckled from the playroom, leading his son into the hallway where Lou still stood, trembling and trying to get a hold of herself.

    She wiped frantically at her cheeks and hated that her hands were shaking. Will paused upon seeing her, but quickly rushed to her side as he realized the state she was in.

    Her wolf, who was still on the aggressive side and ready to protect herself, quickly categorized the Beta. Mated. A father. Not a threat. Upon putting him into the non-threatening category, her wolf relaxed and let him approach her. Henry was right on his heels, staring up at her in worry.

    Will placed his strong hands on her shoulders. "Lou? What happened?" She saw him glance up at Cain's door as it registered just exactly where she was.

    She shook her head. "Nothing, it's fine. I'm fine."

    Will shook his head and carefully cupped her cheeks, forcing her to look up into his gentle brown eyes. "Lou, you're not fine." His thumbs wiped her tears away and she found herself longing for Joey again. She needed a hug, desperately, but she wasn't comfortable asking Will for one. This was Cain's Beta, and it wasn't fair of her to talk bad about Cain when it was her own internal struggles that had caused the problem.

    "I just need a minute, Will, okay? I'll be right there."

He was worried about her, but he nodded once and glanced up at Cain's door before taking Henry the rest of the way into the kitchen. That was the wonderful part about the Beta, he didn't push. She knew if she needed him, he would be there, but he didn't force her to talk about what had happened.

    She inhaled deeply through her nose and out her mouth. She was safe. Cain hadn't meant her any harm. He wouldn't hurt her. He didn't want to hurt her. That mantra repeated itself in her head over and over again as her wolf slowly settled down enough for Lou to get some control over her emotions.

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