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Cain placed the Jiffy Pop on the stovetop. Blake and Bryce had asked for it, begging their mother with their wide hazel eyes. He'd quickly offered to do it, antsy from sitting around too long. His pack had wanted a movie night, likely something calm so that Lou wouldn't feel uncomfortable when she finally made her appearance. The pack had let the kids choose the movie, and they'd picked The Avengers for the umpteenth time. They didn't have a lot of DVDs, but that was one that Cain had ordered along with their normal supplies. It had been a surprise for the pups, but it turned out the whole pack loved it. Hence why they had watched it more times than Cain could count, but it made his pack happy so he would sit through it as many times as necessary.

The soft sound of bare feet on hardwood caught his attention and he glanced over his shoulder to see a far less confrontational Lou in the doorway. Her forest green eyes held his for a moment before he turned to keep shaking the popcorn.

If he hadn't turned away, he might not have been able to avert his gaze at all. While before she'd been pale, tired, and full of rage, now she looked unsure and almost sweet. Her shoulder length hair was darkened from her shower, hanging in damp waves around her round face. She was drowning in Ryland's clothes, making her look far more innocent than Cain knew her to be. Now that they had both calmed down, his wolf was intrigued by the attractive female only feet away from them.

"Riley told me I'm not well enough to leave yet," she finally stated. He kept his back to her, although his wolf was insisting they turn to take her in again.

He nodded, shoving his wolf back into its place. It had been too long since he'd been with a woman, that was all this is. "I know."

"Okay," was all she said. He sensed her hesitating in the doorway, not sure what to do. When he glanced at her again, she was glancing back down the hallway, looking like she wanted to run. She was nervous being alone around him.

"Are you hungry?" he asked, drawing her attention back to him. The popcorn had begun to pop, and he noticed her nostrils twitch at the smell. He also heard her stomach growl all the way from over there.

"I suppose I could eat. Are Caroline or Kristine around?" she asked. She was bouncing slightly on the balls of her feet. Prepared to run from him if necessary. As if he was going to pounce.

Cain cocked his head to the side, interested in her response to him. Now that she had had a chance to settle down, most of her feistiness seemed to have settled down as well. Earlier she'd squared off with him with no fear at all. Now she could barely look at him.

"They're with the pack, watching a movie. I know how to cook." He used a large hand to motion to the island where five stools sat empty. "Take a seat." He turned back to make sure he didn't burn the Jiffy Pop. He sensed that she didn't follow his request immediately, and she likely wouldn't have if her stomach wasn't driving her decisions. She padded across the kitchen and climbed into the one of the stools.

He glanced over his shoulder at her, only to find her staring at him already. This time she didn't look away. Having the three-foot-wide granite island between them obviously boosted her confidence. Blue eyes clashed with green, and he easily sensed her Alpha aura. She was strong-willed, that was easy enough for him to realize. Likely stubborn as hell too, if the glimpse he'd gotten earlier weren't enough. She'd have to be to risk running out into a blizzard.

Cain broke contact first, setting the popcorn aside to let it cool for a moment as he moved to the fridge. "We had spaghetti for dinner, I hope that's all right."

She shrugged. "It's fine. Did you make it?"

He snorted. "No. Jack did."

"But you said you could cook?"

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