Sick Days (Awsten Knight)

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so at the time of writing this, i'm sick. it's so much fun lmao kill me ok enjoy this

(y/n's) pov

I curled up in a ball under the blanket. I had been sick the whole weekend and just wanted to end. There was a pile of tissues on the nightstand, along with a cup of mint tea. My phone dinged, signalling I had a text from someone. I rolled over and looked at my phone.

Awsten❤️: Hey babe, mind if I come over?

Me: yea but I'm sick.

It was a little while before he replied. I sneezed. And checked the message


I smiled at the text before coughing. I went to my music and put on some Dodie Clark.

|time skip brought to you by my mom making me sick|

I heard the door open and close. Awsten has a spare key so it must be him. "Babe! I got shit for your sick ass!" He shouted. I laughed as he came into my room.
"I have soup, tea, tissues, medicine, and some movies and some blankets." He said, taking stuff out of the bags. He laid out all the stuff on my bed and cleaned up the tissues. "I'll be back." He said. He reached down for a kiss but I dodged it. "I'll get you sick." I said. He pouted at me and kissed my forehead. He then felt my forehead. "You're burning up." He muttered. He grabbed the medicine as I had a coughing fit. "You need to take this." He said, filling the little cup. "No." I said. "Yes." He said, smirking. "It tastes like booty." (it does tho.)I said. He refrained from having a laughing fit. "But you won't feel better if you don't take it." He tried convincing me. He then gave me a pouty face with puppy dog eyes. I sighed and grabbed the cup with the medicine in it. I gulped it down and made a face while Awsten laughed.
He told me he would be right back and left the room. I took this time to look through the movies he got. Coraline, Black Panther, Ratatouille, and Heathers. I smiled at all the choices, all of them being completely random but all movies I enjoy.
Awsten came back with a bowl of chicken noodle soup and a cup of mint tea on a tray. "There's honey in the tea for your throat." "Thanks babe." I said. He smiled and sat next to me. He put in Heathers and sat back down. Awsten wrapped the blankets around us at the movie started. I ate my soup as he cuddled me. I finished my soup and yawned. "Tired?" He said. I nodded. He kissed my cheek. "You're fever's gone down." He said to me. I drank my tea as we watched Black Panther. "Awsten?" I said. "Hm?" "Thank you." I said. He smiled and nuzzled his face in my hair. "I love you." He said. "I love you too." I replied.
As the credits rolled on Black Panther, we both fell asleep.

i don't like being sick. kill me.

arren out.

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