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I have to agree with Mark. I don't know what's been going on with Felix, but what he said really impacted me. Some INSANE drama goes on a lot with these two girls at my school, it gets so bad that sometimes the teachers can't handle when they argue. I think they need to stay away from each other, but they end up together for some reason all the time. I'm saying this because they EACH each other, they can't stand one another. They have no respect. All I want them to do is get along. It's the hardest thing to ask. But Mark's right. We need to respect one another, no matter the race. No matter the sexuality. No matter the gender. No matter what. All I want, is to be treated as a person. The world is full of labels. We need to get rid of them, the labels are what determine our level of respect in society. I'm saying this for a few reasons. You don't have to listen, you can hate on me. I'm not changing what I am saying right here, right now. Say what you want. I want you to watch the video, and give me our thoughts. Respect isn't earned. Everyone should have it. No matter what. Just saying.

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