you run out of gas

633 2 1

Your car sputters and rolls to stop

At the edge of the road.

You look at the gauge. it's

Empty. You swear

And get out of the car

You kick the nearest tire

Then wince at the pain.

You check your cell phone

And the battery is dead

So you take your keys and

Start walking

On the side of the road.

Soon a man drives

By in a

Pickup truck. He pulls over

And asks if you want a

Ride. you say yes and get

In the passenger seat.

The truck is dirty and

The man smells of cigarettes.

He smirks over

At you and you can see out of

The corner of your eye that he is

Staring at your chest.

Your hand grips the door

Handle. You

Stare hard out the window

As he

Asks you what your name is.

(a mock poem of Raymond Carver's "Your dog dies.")

stupid poems about love.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ