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Hello welcome to my book of Vampire Knight x reader!

Just to be clear this is not a one shoot! Just let me know of any Vampire knight charecters you want to meet!

They will be yanderes.

Anyways if you read my other books you know the drill if your new:

♤(Y/N) = your name♤

♤(H/C) = hair color♤

♤(F/C) = Favorite color♤

♤(H/S) = hairstyles♤

♤(F/O) = favorte outfit♤

♤(N/N) = nickname♤

And that's it! If I miss anything in later chapters that I haven't put here then comment and hopefully the readers or I will try to help you understand! Anyway goodbye and we'll see you later chapter's!

♛The Kuran♛ (Yandere!Vampire Knight x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now