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Thank you for 30 votes and 350 views it means alot to me! And thank you all for reading this story of mine and sorry for not updating sooner! ( ' ▽ ' )



So of course that would be impossible. 'Did Senri and Rido know this?' I couldn't help but think over and over again. I'll have to have a talk to Senri when I get the chance. Then I notice something... I'm lost... Just faz-fuding-taskic.

'Spacing out so much is going to be my downfall.' But then smiled. I wouldn't have to face those little nightmares called vampires. Especially Kaname. I just sat under a huge tree with lots of shade and fell into a dreamless sleep.


~(Y/N) P.O.V~

I was still under the tree that made a successful hiding spot from the vampires and disciplinary committee.

It had been at least a good day since I had gotten lost. I doubt anyone can find me here, in fact I might make this my permanent hiding spot.

"What are you doing here vampire?" Said a familiar silver haired male. 'I spoke to soon...' "My name is (Y/N) level E..." He seemed to have gotten a little irritated when you said level E but you didn't care. I didn't want to deal with this right now. "Kaname informed me that you skipped class yesterday (Y/N)" Okay this guy was getting on my last nerve...

"look budy I don't want to be here either in fact I never wanted to be here in the first place so fudge off!" I'm really not going to like it here I know that much... "Tch, just get to your dorm" Zero said. "I would if I could, but I can't..." He was about to make a presume to be a sassy remark, but was cut off by my hero..................... Senri Shiki.

"...... Did you get lost again??" By the time Senri had came Zero had started to walk off somewhere. "N-no?" Senri just stared at me an sighs shakes his head says, "Come on, I'll lead you to the night dorms (Y/N)..." As soon as he said that he started walking away and I followed while fixing my hair to cover up my red eye. Making sure that my red eye was hidden was daily for me. I had let my (E/C) show though, so I could at least see. At first I wanted to look like a female version of Undertaker! Trust me I have tried to Cover both my eyes with my like him but............... Yeah I gave up in that...

And No I don't want to talk about it!

~(Author P.O.V)~

As they were walking together Kaname was looking out the window, glaring at the male wearing a tiny smile as (H/C) haired girl made horrible puns.

He wasn't glaring at him because he skipped most of class. He was glaring because he was with his (Y/N), yeah that's right his.

He had always felt this way towards (Y/N), his dear younger sister. When he found out that she was gone, he broke. He was angry, sad, and heartbroken.

He didn't know what to feel really

Of course back then, little (Y/N) didn't know that he would always try his best to keep Juri and Hakura bussy so she couldn't go through anymore pain...

Now here she is, in another males grasp.

The the thought made his blood boil so much that the the both the window and wall cracked...

Thankfully no one noticed yet and he wouldn't be questioned as to why he was suddenly angry.

He had never questioned as to why he was more in love with (Y/N) more then Yuki, and he never even how or when he did. But does he really care?

He knows that there will be competition along the way.

He knows is that he is determined to claim her heart.

No matter what the cost...


|Hi so I had decided to make most of the vampire knight boys a little yandere for reader~chan! Please comment of that's okay with you. Also comment on who you would like to encounter in the next story! I hope you have enjoyed this chapter as much as I did and make sure to leave a like If you do like it!|

♛The Kuran♛ (Yandere!Vampire Knight x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now