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Lucy is coming to see me during today's visiting slot. This is probably why I feel so uplifted today. I don't feel as groggy as I did yesterday. I can't wait to see her. But, I feel that today is going to go be really slow while I'm willing for visitation hour to come around. Right now, it's only breakfast time. I'm sitting with Cole and Matt again. Cole's stuffing his face with another slice of toast. I look at him and smirk.

"What?" he says. "I'm hungry."

I sigh in amusement. "Nothing."

"Ready for the gym?" I ask.

The corners of Matt's mouth turn up into an amused grin. He looks to Cole, who smirks back. I dart a series of wary glances between them. "What?"

"What's put you in such a good mood today?" Matt smiles.

"Nothing, I ju--"

"Thomas just can't wait to see Lucy," Cole teases.

"Shut up," I say, my face turning pink.

Lenny is coming our way with his breakfast tray. I didn't see him at all yesterday after our brief encounter. I really want to talk to him about this again, but there hasn't yet been the opportunity. I never get to approach him while I'm by myself and there's nobody else around. I'm hoping that later I'll get the chance. I desperately want to know what he meant about my dad. "Thomas," Cole says.

I direct my focus back to him and Matt. "Sorry," I say. Cole glimpses to Lenny, who's still making his way in our direction. "What's up with you and him?"

"Nothing," I reply.

Cole narrows his eyes suspiciously. "Okay. Anyway--"

I jump up from my seat as the cold liquid drips down my face and neck from the cup of orange juice Lenny has just thrown over me. "What the hell, Lenny?"

Cole is looking down, trying as hard as he can to suppress bursting out into a fit of laughter. He's forcing the corners of his lips to turn downwards into a frown. Matt is looking away and biting his lip. I presume he's also trying desperately hard not to laugh. I think if I was them, I'd probably be the same. But right now, I'm fueled with a burning sense of exasperation. I bring my flushing face to face Lenny's. "What was that for?"

Everybody in the canteen has their gazes fixed on us. "Sorry," Lenny smirks. "That was meant for your dad. Do pass it onto him for me, won't you? That's if you get to chance to, of course. Because he didn't show up to your visiting slot last night, did he? It's because he doesn't care enough, if you ask me."

I don't know why I ever considered standing up for this guy. He's a prick. The anger bubbling from within me is overtaking me. I know I probably shouldn't feel this vexed, as it is just a bit of orange juice, but he has just humiliated me in front of everybody. And I don't endorse the use of violence, but I'm not letting him away with this. I'm not letting him walk over me and have everyone sitting here label me as a pushover. More than anything, it was the comment he passed about my dad not showing up that pissed me off the most. I know I shouldn't be doing this, but I'm lunging forward right now, taking a swing at his face with my clenched fist.

I'm on top of him, striking him over and over with my fist. "Don't fucking pass judgments when you have no idea what you're talking about."

"Thomas, stop," Cole says. Everybody in the canteen is watching on in what I'd describe as awe as my fist plummets his face again. I look to Cole. "Stay out of this. This is my fight."

I wince and slide to the floor. Asshole. He's just kneed me in the nuts. I lean forward on my knees and he comes running at me. Now, he's leaning over me, and there's a punch coming my way. I dodge it and his fist smashes into the floor. I shove him off and grab his shirt. "Thomas, come on, enough," Cole calls. He's grabbing me from behind and pulling me to my feet, aided by Matt.

The Grim Reaper (The Grim Reaper Duology - Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now