"I know, but can you maybe tell grandma and grandpa? I'm too nervous. Once they know, I'll post on Instagram or something."

"Of course baby, I'll invite them over for dinner and we can tell them. But for now, go and take a bubble bath. You need to relax sweetheart."

You look back down at your bowl of ice cream, it all completely melted. Doesn't matter though, you've lost your appetite anyway. The thought of telling the world terrifies you, but you'd rather you got to announce it before somewhere like TMZ does. You just hope your grandparents won't be too mad or disappointed.


"It's so good to see you guys!" your grandma Dianna exclaims as your parents invite them inside. You're currently hiding at the top of the stairs, terrified for what's about to happen.

Your entire family is here: grandma and grandpa, your Aunt Dallas and her husband as well as their kids, followed by Aunt Maddie. Their voices and laughter fills the air. The sound of your little cousins running around the hardwood floors seems to vibrate through the house, and you have to take a moment to breathe.

"Where's Y/N?" Maddie asks, and at the mention of your name you can already feel your heart rate increase.

"She's just getting ready. Why don't you guys all take a seat actually" your dad replies, ushering everyone into the living room.

"Oh, why do I feel like something serious is about to happen?" Dallas laughs nervously, placing a hand on her husband's thigh before looking at everyone else.

From the top of the stairs, you can see your grandparent's faces as clear as day, your parents having their backs to you. You can vaguely see your aunts as well. You hold your breath, preparing yourself for your impending entrance.

"We do actually have something we want to tell you guys" your dad starts, soon followed by your mom.

"It's about Y/N."

"Is everything okay? Oh gosh, you're worrying me Demi" your grandma speaks up, her hand sitting against her chest, just as yours is too.

"Everything is fine, great actually" your mom replies, taking a deep breath. "But what I'm about to say will come as a shock, it did for us anyway" she adds, looking at your dad for a moment. "Y/N is pregnant."

You wait and wait for shit to hit the fan. For yelling and disappointment to take over. But instead you're met with nothing but an Oh from your grandparents. Taking that as your cue to make your presence known, you slowly descend the staircase and into the living room, feeling everyone's eyes on you as your mom stands to meet you.

"Hey everyone" you say timidly, feeling completely out of your comfort zone. You have one hand over your belly, not sure of what else to do but wait for reactions.

"Oh my god" your grandma whispers, her voice shaking. You refuse to meet her gaze, finding this entire situation unbearable.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this" you say tearfully, trying to turn and head back upstairs but your mother stops you.

"Don't run Y/N, just sit down. We're right here" she whispers in your ear, and you find the strength to do as she says before curling into your dad's side.

"How-I don't-I" Dallas starts, but is unable to find her words. "You're still so young Y/N..."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen" you sigh in defeat, tired of feeling judged for it. You didn't purposefully try to get pregnant at seventeen.

"Hey no, don't do that Y/N" Maddie interrupts, quickly kneeling down in front of you. "Are you happy?" she asks, and all you can do is nod. You have a healthy baby growing inside you and the most supportive parents you could ask for. The timing is far from ideal but yes, you're happy. "Then that's all that matters babe."

You embrace your aunt in a hug, which is soon followed by another from Dallas. You can appreciate that this is difficult news to automatically accept, but you're thankful that your aunt's aren't trying to make you feel bad about it.

"I'm sorry Y/N, I'm just shocked that's all" your grandpa speaks up after a moment, and you nod in understanding. "If you're happy then I'm happy for you. I just wish you weren't so young that's all."

"I know, but I've had a few months to accept that this is what my life is now, and I'd appreciate if I had your support in this" you explain, feeling your mom's hand on your waist. "Grandma?"

Everyone waits in silence as you watch your grandma stand up from her seat. Holding your breath, you fully expect her to walk out the room and never look back. You're a disappointment of a granddaughter, getting pregnant at seventeen.

"Mom?" your mom says, and at that moment you choose to make eye contact with your grandma. She has tears in her eyes, and you can't quite work out what she's thinking. The silence is beginning to become unbearable.

"So, do you have any pictures of my great grand baby?" she asks, causing you to dissolve into a puddle of tears. "My sweet girl, I'm not mad at you. Yes I'm shocked but we're family. I could never be mad at my first born grandchild" she adds, causing everyone to chuckle. You can tell she's trying to lighten some of the tension.

"I'll go put the kettle on while Y/N shows you her sonogram pictures" your dad announces, and your grandpa follows him into the kitchen to lend a hand.

Everyone immediately surrounds you, wanting to touch your belly and see the sonograms that you had hidden in your jumper pocket. Your mom never leaves your side, a huge smile on her face as you look up at her.

"I'm proud of you baby girl" she whispers before kissing your cheek.

You're proud of yourself too.

⚪️⚪️⚪️ Liked by ddlovato, maddelagarza, sirahsays and 867,374 othersynvalderrama I cannot wait to meet you little one

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⚪️⚪️⚪️ Liked by ddlovato, maddelagarza, sirahsays and 867,374 others
ynvalderrama I cannot wait to meet you little one. You've changed my life already. 💕
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