Pyjamas Party at Andy's

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Jay's P.O.V.

I was at Andy's home, getting ready for going to the flat. Max and Tom were alone tonight because Nathan, Seev and I were at Andy's, one of our best friends doing a "pyjama party", as she called it :D. Well, she's actually my best friend, but sometime ago I started feeling different when I'm whith her. I think I've fallen in love with her... She does acting. She's appeared in a lot of films here, and she's pretty famous, so everytime we're outside, the paparazzis are always around us, becouse of us or because of her. She's vegetarian, like me, and she's got a lizard, like me, she likes 2NE1, like me... and everytime she's close to me, a shiver runs through me... I get lost in her deep brown eyes... I love the smell of her brown beautiful hair... Oh dear, I love her, I really love Andy.

She wasn't there anyway, just me Nathan, Siva and Aoifee. Siva was with Aoifee, his girlfriend. She's a dancer, a great dancer (totally opposite to Siva). We saw her at the auditions and we wanted her for our first tour with dancers, and that's the way we met her, and now it's one of our best friends and Siva's girlfriend. She's been his girlfriend for one year now! So long ago... I can remember when Siva was in my situation. But he acted braver than me, he told Aoifee his feeling three weeks after fallen in love with her. I''ve been in love with Andy for two months now, but I'm afraid because I don't know if she feels the same, and her friendship means everything to me. Aoifee's Irish too, and she's really funny and very happy, and chatty too. And she loves every single kid! Once, I asked Seev how he would describe Aoifee, and he told me "Jay, I just need three words: perfect for me".

Right now they're enjoying each other company, laughing a lot, like always, and Nath and me are chatting. "What did Andy said, Aoifee?" asked Nathan "She said she was going to take a friend to the "pyjama party" "Who?" I asked. "I think is a girl called Amy. If she is, she's very funny and cleverish too!! Not like you Seev, haha!" chuckled Aoifee. "And this is in the way you treat your dear boyfriend, uh?" grinned Siva. And then we heard Andy's car. She opened the door, and with her appeared that "Amy" girl.

Nathan's P.O.V.

"This is my college friend Amy." said Andy "Hi guys!" said that girl with a big smile, shutting the door. That girl, with her green eyes and her dark brown hair, really took my eye. I started gettin the urge of knowing her better and see how's her personality. "Hello, I'm Nathan" I said, with my best smile. "I'm Jay" "I'm Aoifee and this is Siva" said Aoifee as Siva waved his hand."Don't worry guys, she knows about you. I've talk to her about The Wanted." "Nath, stop staring at Amy like that, you creeper!" grinned Jay. Andy looked at me, and I think she saw my thoughts about Amy. Damn it!

"I was staring at her, but because she's a new face Jay!" I said, trying to get Amy less blushed, and it worked. She smiled at me, and then she turned to face Andy "So, where am I going to sleep with all this people here Andy?" asked Amy. "Well, this is a pyjama party, so we're all sharing bedrooms. But, I've just two bedrooms, so two of us have to sleep on the sofas" "I will, I don't care" Jay said. "Then, Seev and Aoifee at the my bedroom, Nath and Amy at the guests room and Jay and I at the sofas" "Hey, that's not fair. I've seen the mattress you've put on the floor. I that bedroom there are two individual beds, and we want a double bed for sleeping together!" "Of course Seev, you're going to sleep" I grinned. Jay just smiled, he's in his own world, something's happening to him. I've to talk with him, because he's been acting like that for a few weeks. He looks like worried. Definitely, I'll talk to him later.

Aoifee's P.O.V.

"Okay then. My bedroom for you guys, for banging in the right way" chuckled Andy. "So, we're sleeping in the same bedroom" Nathan said to Amy. We're roommates!" Amy answered, grinning. "Yes, but don't worry Nathan, she's as lazy as you" Andy grinned. "I'm not as lazy!" chuckled Amy. "Are you suggesting that I'm like that type of people who sleeps all day long?" "Well... you're a sloth, aren't you?" grinned Amy "That's true mate" grinned Siva. "Well, let's have some relax time. We've prepared vegetarian food for Jay, Amy and for me, of course. Get your pyjamas!!" I said. "Amy, the guests room is here. Come with me" said Nathan, and he left the room followed by Amy.

I left the room too, leaving Jay and Andy alone. While we were going to our bedroom, holding hands, I was looking at Siva, my perfect boy. He's the only one I love, I can tell him whatever, and I know he will be there for me. Always. Then, we arrived and Siva left our bags with our things on the bed. I started getting undressed for putting on my pyjama, as Siva was doing it too, and suddenly I felt his arms around me. He hugged me from behind. He was topless, and me too. I could feel his breathe on my neck. He was so warm. "You, beautiful" "Me?" "Yes, you. What about having some fun here and now? ;)" I turned to face him. I put my arms on his neck and kissed him softly. "You'll have to wait until tonight Seev". He put a sad face, acting, and pressed his lips against mine. But then he started kissing me deeper, and caressing my sides very gentle.

He stopped kissing "I love you Aoifee. I love you so much" he whispered against my mouth. "Oh, dear, you just had to get your pyjamas guys, not have sexytime!" said Andy, covering her eyes. She was going to come in when she saw us. "Don't worry, we're not naked!" "I know Siva, but this is unconfortable. I'm out!!" "Okay, let's get dressed then!" I grinned to Siva.

We get our pyjamas and met the others at the dinning room. "Let's have some food, I'm really hungry!" Said Amy, and we all took a seat on the table, wich was ready for having dinner. I looked at Nathan. He was sitted in front of Amy, staring at her, but trying her to don't notice it. But, what he didn't know is that Amy was looking at her sometimes too, with a kind of a puppy face. Something's going on between these two!!

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