"Mmmh," Newt mumbled before making an attempt to turn over in the cot, then realizing he was unable. The slightest movement caused his entire body to shut down due to the pain so he remained where he was. Strangely enough, the moment he tried to move, he saw the girls face flicker with agony. She remained sleeping, but she was obviously in pain.

Not thinking much of it, he closed his eyes once again and drifted off to sleep. He didn't look forward to the moment he'd wake up, but it would have to come sooner or later. At least by then, the girl might be awake. Why she had all of the same pain he did without the corresponding broken bones, he wasn't sure. Then again, it seemed like anything could happen here in the Glade so he didn't question anything that was happening. Whoever put them in this god awful place were apparently capable of anything and everything.

The girls body ached and she wanted to scream at the top of her lungs. She made a bold attempt to climb out of the cot but the moment her foot landed on the ground, it buckled beneath her and she slammed into the bed beside her. Luckily, she caught the edge of the bed and was just barely holding herself up. But, the resident of said bed was not pleased to be so rudely awakened.

"Bloody hell!" Newt hoarsely shouted, sitting up and trying to clear the sleep from his eyes. For a moment, he'd forgotten about his fall and all of the injuries he'd sustained. It only took seconds before his entire body began to radiate with an unimaginable agony. All the way from his leg to his ribs and to his skull, his entire body felt like it was shattered in pieces. Probably, because it was.

The moment he groaned in suffering, he noticed the girl do the same. She reached for her leg. Hyperventilated breaths filled the room and tears torrented down her face. "What's happening?!"

"Just stay there," Newt was doing everything in his power to hold himself together in the moment. He too was on the verge of screaming until his lungs went up in flames out of sheer torment, but he knew he couldn't. Not now. "Clint!" He cried out desperately.

The medjack trampled into the room frantically, looking to Newt to guidance once he saw the girl curled up on the floor, shaking. "Get her up on the cot."

Clint did so, trying his best to calm the girl. "Check her leg, is it...like mine?"

A quick examination later, Clint shook his head. He was at a complete loss for what was happening. "Nothing's wrong with her! I don't understand!"

"No, something is wrong," Newt pointed to the girl in frustration, seeing as how she was still crippled from the pain she was feeling. "Do you see her!?"

As Newt shouted the words, Clint could see him wince. In the same moment, Y/N recoiled. They were feeling the same pain...and at the same time.

"Newt, you gotta trust me, alright?" Clint shuffled over to the end of Newt's bed and raised a brow. The blonde boy nodded, not liking where this was going, but allowing things to move forwards.

Clint gently shifted Newt's leg. It caused a rippling of stabbing pain to rip through his leg, causing Newt to shout out curses Clint had never even heard before.

Y/N's reaction was close to the same.

Curiously, the medjack began to poke and prod Newt in random places, looking to see Y/N's reaction. They always matched. This time, he moved to Y/N, pinching her arm and looking to Newt for a reaction. Surely enough, there was one. He winced ever so slightly and confirmed that he too felt it.

"I dunno what the shuck is goin on here," Clint huffed. "But you two have some talking to do. Is there anything you need? Cause if not I'll—"

"You can go," Newt said sternly. He watched as the medjack left before a crushing feeling fell upon his chest.

Neither of the Gladers understood what was happening. Why they felt the things they were feeling, how they were connected, what kind of sick experiment this was from the creators. Ever so agonizingly, Newt turned his head to look at the girl. He could see the discomfort dust over her features as she turned her head towards him. Yet, at the same time, her eyes hit him with a heavy wave of sympathy.

"You jumped, didn't you?" Y/N croaked.

Newt was taken aback. He wanted to deny what had happened, but knew he couldn't. She'd never believe any lie he came up with.

"How'd you know?"

"Well," Y/N sighed. "My body feels like I just fell off of a cliff. The places I'm feeling pain back up that theory. And, I feel more than just the physical pain."

The boy felt his already pale features go ghost white. "What are you talking about?"

"That heavy weight on your heart? That's so goddamn awful? Yeah, I feel that too. I get why you did it."

Newt found himself suddenly on the verge of breaking down. "Don't tell anyone else, please."

Y/N nodded softly, eyes full of truth. "It's between us."

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