"We're going to station around the trees," Green instructed.

Through the foliage, Cassie was able to make out the base. It was a large building, fortified with large stone walls and barbed wire. The gates were open, and guns fired in all places. The watchtowers had already been replaced by the rebels, but it looked like a fight was still going on inside the base itself.

"We'll move in a little closer. Some more troops will be coming this way. Wouldn't be surprised if Lynch sends his own troops soon," Green said, bringing them closer to the building.

The action mostly seemed contained inside, though injured Preservers and rebels were limping out or attempting to escape. Medical personnel were spread throughout the woods for assistance. The thought comforted Cassie, but also made her realize how serious this event was.

They grew closer toward the building, keeping an eye on the surroundings. Cassie watched suddenly as a figure appeared out of the corner of her eye. She paused, immediately recognizing him as a Preserver. She opened her mouth, about to call out, when Green shot his gun. The man dropped to the ground instantly.

Cassie gulped. Had she just witnessed a man die before her eyes? She placed a hand on her chest, taking deep breaths. She was reminded of the bullet-protective armor underneath her, as well as on everyone else. This mission wasn't meant to bring in a large number of casualties, though the stakes were higher. They needed to save their numbers for the attack on the headquarters.

"Ten of you go to the left, the other ten to the right. You'll remain with me, Cassandra," Green stated.

Cassie moved to the right with Green. Marc and Conny came with her, but she had been separated from the rest of her friends. She gulped and headed to the right side of the base, her hands trembling as she closed it around her gun.

Cassie wanted to shut her eyes as she heard the shouting and fighting going on behind her, but knew she had to remain alert. She felt Marc reach down to squeeze her hand briefly. She glanced up at him, but he was already staring ahead, as if he sensed something nearby.

Cassie let out a yelp as gunfire hit the wall about twenty feet near them.

"Who's there? Stand down!" Green shouted, firing his gun off into the bushes.

"Lynch probably sent reinforcement," one rebel stated.

"Couldn't be," Green grumbled. "I can see about three back there. Probably some Preservers that escaped. Lynch wouldn't be able to send them so fast."

Another round of gunfire had Cassie ducking to the ground. She hissed as she scraped her knees across the dirt. She had just barely managed to avoid getting hit. She pressed her hands over her ears as her rank shot until the gunfire eventually died off. Cassie felt Marc reach down to help her back up. She was shaking intensely as she stood.

When will it be over? she thought helplessly.

"They've managed to take most of the base, but there are still a few Preservers that need to be flushed out or taken prisoner," Green relayed to the group as his radio buzzed.

As he spoke, Cassie could see an injured Preserver they'd overtaken earlier crawling from the bushes, aiming his gun directly at Green.

"Watch out," she said, shoving the man aside and firing her gun. It shot the injured Preserver straight through the chest. She watched the blood soak through his shirt before he slumped forward. Cassie let out a quiet moan and shook harder. She knew that deaths were going to be necessary, that these people had supported corrupt ideals that had led to the death and suffering of so many, but it still was painful for her to do.

The Spirit Guardians Book 3: FatedWhere stories live. Discover now