She had only just begun walking toward the steps when Mitsuki caught up to her.

"Don't tell me to go talk to her," Lillian grumbled.

"I wasn't planning to. We know how well that went last time," Mitsuki joked. "Let's go make out in your room or something."

"Something I can finally get behind," Lillian said, laughing to herself.

She and her girlfriend were unfortunately interrupted from their intense kissing only a few minutes in when a knock sounded at the door. Lillian growled as she broke away and smoothed her hair out, trying to hide the sweat gathering at her forehead and back of the neck.

"Hi, it's Diana!" a feeble voice came from the door.

Mitsuki leaned forward to kiss Lillian again, but she pushed her face away with her hand, slowly standing up. Mitsuki let out a defeated groan in response.

"Just...calm down for a second," Lillian grumbled, pulling down her shirt that had been lifted up shortly into their make-out session.

She walked toward the door and opened it, relieved to just find Diana standing there. At the sight of a flustered Mitsuki in the background, Lillian saw Diana's cheeks redden.

"S-sorry. Were you two—"

"We were just kissing a little bit. You can come in," Lillian said, glad she had already told Diana about her and Mitsuki during her past visit to Cassie's house. Otherwise, the situation would have taken on a whole other level of awkward.

"I just wanted to talk for a bit," Diana said innocently enough. "I'm sorry my mom is being a bit nosy. I can tell you don't want to talk to her. She's stubborn, doesn't take no for an answer a lot."

"It's fine," Lillian said, letting out a sigh. "Are you sure you don't want to go downstairs though and talk to Cassie some more? You don't need to waste your time on me."

"They're just talking about the engagement anyway."

"You're not excited for Cassie?" Mitsuki asked.

"I am! But everyone in my family has already asked the same three questions about it. I don't know. Sometimes I feel a little down when I see Cassie and Marc together. I don't get to go to school and talk to people anymore. I wish I could meet more people," Diana said, glancing down at her knees.

Lillian frowned. "We're going to start taking some big steps very soon. If things go well, you can go to school again, and your parents can start working out of the house again."

Diana grinned slightly. "That's good to hear. I'm still bitter Cassie didn't tell me sooner. Do you know how Marc proposed? Cassie won't tell anyone."

Lillian giggled. "I don't really know the details. He did it privately. I think they went for a walk late at night and he did it."

"Oh, I didn't know that part," Diana said.

"Don't tell her I'm giving you details. That's all I know," Lillian told her.

"All right. I'll keep my lips shut. How are you doing though? Better than—er—last time?"

Mitsuki cackled behind Lillian.

Lillian nudged Mitsuki with her elbow and turned back to Diana. "I've had some refreshing water all evening. I'm not planning to relive that experience anytime soon."

"Oh, good. Mom was worried about you. She ranted for days about how she hoped Cassie and I wouldn't act like that when we drank. Of course, Mom never lets me near the alcohol anyway..."

The Spirit Guardians Book 3: FatedWhere stories live. Discover now