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A few days had passed and you were once again struggling to concentrate through your lecture, you tapped your pen against your notebook

The lecture had started 10 minutes ago but there was no sign of Tae

Where the fuck is that manchild?

As if on cue you heard the mouse like squeak of the lecture room door opening

Turning around at lightning speed, almost giving yourself whiplash, you spotted Tae slightly crouched down as he kept his eyes to the ground to avoid the stares of the other students

He scurried his way over to you and swiftly sat down not wishing to draw anymore attention to himself or the fact that he was late

He thrashed around in his bag, pulling out his laptop as quickly as he could to catch up on the notes

You sent him a questioning look as he pulled your notebook from in front of you and over to him as he proceeded to type out the words you had wrote down

Flicking his eyes up to meet yours, he saw the look you were giving him, he returned his gaze to the notes almost instantly before whispering without looking your way


Of course he did

All you could do was roll your eyes at his stupidity and continue to pay attention

A few minutes later your notebook was pushed back towards you after Tae had finished copying your notes

You pulled your book closer to you not paying any further attention to Tae, continuing to watch the lecturer

Seconds later you felt an elbow nudge into yours in an attempt to grab your attention

You looked to Tae, waiting for him to speak

"You going to Jin's party later?" he whispered, using his hand to cover his mouth before lowering it straight after

"Yeah" you mumbled back, switching your gaze between him and the front of the room

Although it was university and you couldn't really get in trouble over such things, you still didn't want to risk it

His face lit up upon confirming that you were going to be at the party

Tae had already presumed you were because Jin was one of your bestfriends but he still felt the need to check, he really hoped you were going and you were

Realisation hit you like a tidal wave

"Shit" you hissed out quietly

Tae jumped straight into protective mode

"What? What's wrong?" he pressed, scanning your face with his eyes trying to find the problem

"I'm fine" you whispered with a small chuckle at his outburst

His face relaxed when you assured him you were okay

"I just thought, I don't actually know where Jin lives, I need to remember to ask him so I know where to tell the taxi" you took a mental note

"Don't bother getting a taxi, i'll just pick you up" Tae spoke in a low tone to disguise the fact he was talking instead of listening

"Are you sure?" you questioned, feeling a bit guilty

"Of course, I was already going to drive so it doesn't hurt to pick up an extra passenger" he giggled wrapping his arm around your shoulder to briefly squeeze you into him

"Thankyou TaeTaee" you cooed with a childlike smile

He gave you his best box smile as he felt himself melt at your cuteness before you both went back to concentrating

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