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All your classes for the day had finished and you had managed to drag yourself home

How were you already so tired after one day?

You slumped onto your sofa and checked your phone and answered some messages

As requested by your parents you called them to let them know how your first day went

The phone rang a few times before someone decided to pick up


You questioned after not hearing anything from the other end of the line, confused by the lack of noise from your parents end

After a few seconds you heard her voice

"Y/NNN! how are you my love?" she practically screamed down the phone

"Woah mom, calm down, my eardrums almost burst" you laughed moving the phone a bit further away from your ear

"Whoops sorry, I just miss you already, the house feels really empty without hearing you complaining all the time"

If anyone ever wondered who you got your personality from, they would meet your mom and finally understand

You act more like best friends then mother and daughter but you prefer it that way, it makes it easier to speak to eachother knowing that she doesn't judge you no matter how much you fuck up your life

"Aww I love you too" smiling sarcastically even though you knew she couldn't see you but that's probably a good thing otherwise you'd be chased around the house with whatever she had in her hands at the time

You both spoke for another 10 minutes or so, you also spoke to your dad after that

You got off the phone with them when you saw a notification for a new text appear

You went onto your messages and clicked on the name

Me and the girls are coming over later, see you soon☺️

I love that I don't get a say in this even though it's my house...i'll see you all later then😂

You turned your phone off and lay it on the side of the sofa

You didn't know what time they were coming over but you presumed it wasn't for a few hours maybe

Turning on the TV you sat back down in the spot you just left and chose something to watch

You didn't really know what you were watching but it was better than the other options you saw

You leaned back against the sofa and watched in silence...


You shot up from the sofa after hearing the door bell ring

Of course you fell asleep, it's like your super power, no matter what the time or situation you'll always need a nap

You quickly checked your phone for the time and realised you'd been asleep for 2 hours

"Fuck" you mumbled out before sprinting sleepily to the front door not knowing how long you'd left them out there for

As you opened the door you were greeted by the three of them staring at you a bit puzzled, most likely confused by your extremely sleepy state

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