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A few days after Tae had apologised to you and everything had gone back to normal again

You were currently in uni, you only had one class today and then you were free to go

It was the class you shared with Tae

You enjoyed having his company, it made the time go quicker

You both had your phones out under the desk, front cameras on as you both attempted to get ugly pictures of the other

All was going well until you looked down at Tae's phone, he pressed the button to take a photo and suddenly a bright flash set off

The flash shot around the lecture room

Tae's face flipped as you tried your hardest not to snort and explode with laughter but everyone in the room was looking in yours and Taes direction, you weren't doing a good job of playing it cool

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Tae's face flipped as you tried your hardest not to snort and explode with laughter but everyone in the room was looking in yours and Taes direction, you weren't doing a good job of playing it cool

Tae moved at lightning speed to cover his phone but it was too late

You dropped your head onto the desk allowing your hair to cover the sides of your face as you burst into tears

Tae nudged you signalling you to stop laughing but you couldn't

Looking slightly to the side you noticed Tae sink into his seat in an attempt to take the attention away from him

You put a comforting arm around his back and let him collapse into your side to hide, still sniffing back your tears of laughter

Not long after, the class ended and everyone began picking up their belongings

You and Tae did the same, packing away your stuff and rushing towards the door

Although neither of you failed to notice the evil glare you were receiving from your lecturer as you both scurried out the room

After you heard the slam of the door behind you you dropped to the floor, tears returning to your eyes

"Y-you absolute i-idiot" you managed to let out inbetween tears and intakes of air

"Don't even" Tae sighed running a hand through his hair before dropping to squat down to your level

"You could've told me my flash was on" he narrowed his eyes at you

"How was I meant to know?" you simply cackled back

Tae stood up from his position and held a hand out to grab your wrist and pull you up from the floor where people were staring at you

He wrapped his arm around your shoulder as always, you both walked through the corridors towards the doors

Tae still had classes left but had a break at the minute

While you were heading towards the exit you heard your name being shouted

You turned around not knowing who on earth could be shouting your name

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