"I was with my girlfriend. And I sort of... collapsed. I didn't fall unconscious, I could still hear her voice, but I couldn't focus on anything but what I could see in my mind. First of all, my friend who was killed, he was in front of me. I called him but I don't think he could see me. And then the Reaper approached him with the knife. I couldn't help him because I was back in the chair, tied up. So, I closed my eyes, because I didn't want to see it. Then, the thing happened again, with the blood and the fire. And that burning sensation came back. Then, I could see myself in a mirror, wearing the Reaper's mask and I looked down. The guy I chose as his next victim was lying in front of me. I had his blood all over my hands and shirt. And the Reaper was gone," I gulp. "It was like.. It was like, I had turned into the Reaper and I had killed him. I know it sounds crazy, but it's like he's living in me, and my body is connected to his soul somehow."

He nods. "Thank you, Thomas. For now, I'm going to give you a couple of tablets to take and I'll be tracking your progress. Please don't be afraid to come to me at any time. I'm generally here all around the clock and when I'm not, there's plenty of other doctors you can talk to. But, hang on a minute."

He opens his desk drawer and pulls out a fresh needle. I grimace at the length of it. "Thomas, I hope you're okay with me giving you an injection now. If not, I apologize but I'll have to get some help in making you have it."

I take in a deep breath. I really don't want to have this done, but it's going to happen, either by force, or by me complying. I'd rather the latter option. "Yeah, okay," I say. "Just make it quick, I hate injections."

He nods curtly. "A couple of seconds, I promise."

I nod. As he steps closer with the needle, I look away. He takes a seat beside me. I take a deep breath as I feel the needle going into my left arm. "All done," he says. "Thank you for co-operating, Thomas. I hate having to force medication on patients. I'll see you tomorrow morning to see if there's been any progress."

"Thank you, Doctor," I say. I'm irked that he, like everybody else, thinks I'm crazy, even though I know he's just doing his job. And I suppose, if it was the other way around, I'd think I was crazy too. I'm just glad that I have a nice doctor. It makes this situation just a little bit easier. He nods as I stand up. "Thomas, there's no need for the formality. You can just call me Owen."

I smile at him. "Thanks, Owen. See you tomorrow."

He nods as I close the door over. Lenny is still sitting there. I step towards him. "Leave me alone, Thomas."

"Look, Lenny, I just want to--"

"Thomas, you ready for Group Gathering?" Cole asks.

I turn to face him. "It's not for another half an hour."

"Yeah, but we've got to get a good seat, seen as you and the other newbie, Matt will be the focus of the group today," he smirks.

"Great." I roll my eyes. I glance at Lenny again and Cole eyes me intently. "You okay?"

"Yeah," I say, moving away from Lenny. I will approach him later when I get the opportunity to get him alone. For some reason, I think this conversation needs to be guarded with utmost secrecy. I don't want anyone else to overhear it. Including Cole. I've only met him this morning, and while he seems like a sound person overall, I just don't want to get too close to anybody just yet.

"We're seriously not allowed our phones?" I ask.

"No," Cole dead-pans. "They're confiscated from all of us upon arrival and given back as we're discharged. Apparently, they 'inhibit our troubled minds from clearing and serve as distraction which steers us from our road to recovery'."

The Grim Reaper (The Grim Reaper Duology - Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now