Lance thought for a second "uhh" 'just tell him' "no, thanks... you're free to go" Keith nodded, eyeing Lance weirdly. "Alright..." He slowly disappeared from sight. Lance yelled grumpily getting out his phone and texting Pidge.

Lance: so we talked..

Pidge raised an eyebrow and checked her phone.

Pidge: And?? Is he like your personal sex demon or something?

Lance choked seeing Pidge's reply

Lance: what!? no no i just apologized he doesn't even know how I feel

Pidge sighed and shook her head at her phone.

Pidge: What a shame. Can't he read your mind or something?

Lance: only if i ask him to, i think... i assume.. well he stopped reading my mind last time i asked so i... i'll ask at some point.

Pidge: Oh- mkay then

Pidge sighed and flopped on her bed

Lance laughed at himself wondering when he'd become so useless. The tan boy picked up his phone and texted Pidge one more time

Lance: even though you made me lose my soul to a demon you're a great friend pidgeon

Pidge: :P i know loser

Pidge smiles genuinely, taking a screenshot for a later time. Lance puts his phone down and stared at the ceiling smiling softly to himself

~ two months later ~

After a boring last day of school Lance walked out of the school gates sighing exhausted from the full day. Hunk followed him out the gate walking along side Lance. "So Lance what are your plans over the school break?" Hunk smiled genuinely at his friend.

Lance simply shrugged "not quite sure yet, we should definitely hang out though" Hunk laughed "uh duh we always do I meant like are you going away?" Lance shook his head "no I don't think so" the blue eyed boy looked at his friend who continued to radiate positive energy. "Aren't you going to hang with Shay? " Hunk sighed content "yep". As the two boys walked and talked they eventually reached Hunks house "well I'll see you later man" Lance gave Hunk a hug before going on his way.

The night grew close as Lance almost neared his neighborhood. It wasn't until a tall guy approached Lance that his heart started to race. "what's a pretty boy like you doing out here? " the guys voice was deep and he gave off a shady vibe. Eventually when Lance didn't respond two other men joined him.

"what have we here" one of them asked smiling his crooked smile "he's a pretty one probably has a ton of cash on him if he's going somewhere with a backpack that big" Lance's heart rate intensified but he tried to remain calm "leave me alone" he growled through gritted teeth.

"oh come on pretty boy we're all friends here" the one whom spoke walked towards Lance grabbing his chin "don't make this difficult". Just as Lance was about to run another one of the men came up behind Lance holding him hostage "let me go!" he yelled.

Lance struggled but it was no use, so like anyone would, he started panicking making his movements weak and predicable 'Keith we need Keith' his mind insisted. "Keith! Please Keith hurry! " the taller man covered Lance's mouth with his dirty hand "now now what did I just say"

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