Not Fair

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A/N: Real quick, I just want to say that I just wrote the ID reveal for fun, but I decided I'm not really happy with the way his teammates found out. I'm planning on eventually writing a more serious fic that deals with that. I won't delete my current one or anything, but I just wanted to give you guys the heads up. Anyway, hope you enjoy this quick oneshot! I'd love it if you have any future ideas to give to me!!

As Robin entered Mount Justice,he heard a super loud, "OH DANG IT!!!" He sighed. It seemed as though something crazy was going on every time he went here. He walked over to where he heard the commotion, and saw Wally glaring daggers at Artemis.

"You broke my phone!" he yelled at her. Robin glanced at Artemis. A look of shock and guilt was on her face.

"Wally I'm sor-"

Wally knelt down and angrily looked at his now destroyed phone, before glaring at Arty again. "I don't care if you're sorry or not. My parents said that if I broke another phone, I wasn't getting a new one till I could pay for it. And I don't even have a job! How am I supposed to earn money?" he spoke quickly, so Robin and Artemis had to listen very carefully to understand what he said.

"Duh. Get a job, Baywatch," Artemis replied. Wally opened his mouth again- probably to yell at her- but then Robin made himself known, and stepped between the two of them.

"Chill KF," he said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. He opened it and took out $500. "Here, use this. It's not enough to get a super nice phone, but It'll do for now."

Wally and Artemis both stared at him with their mouths open. Robin just shrugged. They both already knew his secret identity, so it didn't matter to him.

"What? Dude, thanks a ton, but I...I can't accept this! It's a lot of money!!!"

Artemis was still staring at him. "You just carry a five hundred dollar bill in your wallet? What if someone mugs you?"

Dick raised an eyebrow. "People have tried to mug me before, but I've never let it happened. And even if it did-" he turned to Wally. "There's plenty more where this came from. Getting more wouldn't be a problem." Without saying another word, he shoved the money into Wally's hand and walked away, letting out one of his signature cackles.

"Do not fair..." Artemis mumbled.

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