Identity (Part 2)

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Dick Grayson yawned as he sat up in bed, hearing his alarm clock go off. He rubbed his eyes before suddenly grinning and jumping out of bed. Today was the day.  Today, the team would finally find out his secret identity as the ward of Bruce Wayne.

As the 13 year old threw some clothes on, he went over his simple yet brilliant plan (or so he liked to think).  It would start at school with Artemis. He would drop as many hints as possible that he was Robin, without giving it away. He wondered how long it would take her to figure it out... Hmm...

Anyway, after school, and (Hopefully) after Artemis figured it out, he would (with the assistance of Wally, who of course already knew his secret id), would continue dropping hints, eventually being super obvious. Then, if they still couldn't figure it out... Dickie had a little surprise up his sleeve...

Dick went downstairs and slid in his usual seat at the table, as Alfred came over and set his breakfast before him. The old butler seemed to frown slightly, as if noticing the expression Dick wore whenever he was plotting something.

"Master Richard, dare I even ask what is on your mind right now?"

Dick looked Alfred in the eye and gave his signature cackle, grinning widely.

"Just you wait Alfie, just you wait..."

A/N: Sorry this is probably like the shortest chapter I've written of anything, but I'm currently being lazy... Anyhow, please leave a review! Thanks for readin!

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