"Wait~. You like Sting, don't you?" I guessed. Her eyes widened and a deep blush spread across her face.

          "Why would you think that?" Her voice was high pitched.

          "Aww, you do!! How cute." I grinned.

          "But he doesn't love me back, so come on." We started walking again.

          "I'm sure if you told him, he would realise, its not me, but you that he loves." I told her.

          "You think so?" She asked hopefully.


          "Yukino!" Someone yelled from behind us, interrupting me. Both of us turned around to see Sting standing there with a glare.

          "Sting?!" Yukino and I gasped.

          "What are you doing with Lucy?" Sting began to angrily march over to us.

          "I- I-" Yukino stuttered. Sting tightly gripped my arm and I winced in pain.

          "Lucy and I are meant to be together. Why would you ruin that?" Sting asked. I was about to say something, but Yukino yelled before me.

          "Because I love you! You and I are meant to be together!" Sting had a shocked expression plastered on his face. "Why cant you see that?" Yukino whispered.

          "Yukino." I whispered softly.

          "Yukino, I-" Sting started. Tears started streaming down her face. "Lucy, go home. Its early enough for you to be able to get ready for school." Sting told me.

          I backed away slowly, watching the two. I soon found the door. I closed it, seeing them hug.

          I realised where I was. Down the street and around the corner from my house. Wow. I soon got home. I quietly entered my house. It didnt seem like anyone was awake.

          But I was wrong. My mom walked out of the kitchen. "Lucy? I thought you were staying the night at Natsu's?" She questioned.

          "Oh. Uh... yeah. I just forgot clothes and stuff, so I came home." I lied. Yukino probably sent my mom a text so the wouldn't worry about me.

          I ran up stairs and hurriedly got out my phone. I dialed Natsu's number and held my phone to my ear. 1 ring..... 2 ring..... 3 ring..... Oh come on, Natsu. Answer the phone.

Natsu P.O.V

          My phone is ringing. I checked it. It was Lucy! I sat up and answered the phone. "Lucy?!"


          "Lucy are you okay? Where are you?" I quickly questioned.

          "Natsu, calm down. I'm at home and I'm fine." She tried calming me.

           I sighed on the other side of the line. "He didn't do anything to you, did he?"

          "No and I don't think he will anymore." She sighed aswell.

          "Mann, so he gave me a concussion for nothing?" I growled.

          "Wait! Concussion!?" She shouted.

          "Okay Luce, don't freak out. But.... I'm in the hospital. Some lady found me unconscious on the sidewalk and tried to wake me, but I didn't wake up so she took me to the hospital." I explained.

          "You're okay right?" Lucy questioned.

          "Yeah, I'm-"

          "Im coming to visit you now." She interrupted me.


          "Too late. Decision already made." She hung up.

          "But what about school?" I mumbled, finishing the conversation off the phone, by myself.

          Five minutes later, Lucy walked in to my hospital room. "Oh, Natsu." Lucy gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. Tears began lining up at the edge of her eyelids.

          "What? I'm fine." I told her. She shook her head, squeezing her eyes shut.

           "I just don't like seeing you in a hospital bed." A tear stroked her gentle cheek. I tried getting out of bed, but my head began to throb. I put my hand to my head and Lucy rushed over to me.

           "Natsu, don't try getting up." She told me. Lucy helped me back into the hospital bed.

          "I'm sorry, Natsu." Lucy sat down in the chair beside the bed I was in.

          "For?" I asked, confused of what she was talking about.

          "Everything. Sting, Lisanna. Everything." She sighed.

          "None of that was your fault though, so, stop apologizing." I grunted.

          "Sure..." She whispered.

          "So what happened with Sting and why are you not going to school?" I questioned her, trying to gain more information.

           She explained to me how some chick, Yugio, I think. No, it was Yukino, duhhh. Anyway, she told me how that Yukino chick was letting her go and then Sting appeared. Yukino went off on him and then confessed her love for him. Then Sting told her to go home.

          "Wow. Now what about school?" I asked.

          "Well, its pretty obvious. I'm gonna keep you company." She smiled brightly at me.

          We talked for awhile. My mom eventually dropped by leaving us some food. 

          She really did stay with me all day. When she got tired, I scooted over and she layed in bed with me. She nuzzled her head to my chest and quickly fell asleep.

          "I love you, Luce." I whispered. She smiled in her sleep as if she heard me. I fell asleep not long after.

Heyy. Sorry this update took so long, but school has me very busy. This story is not over yet.

But, after this story is done, I am in the process of a GaLe fan fic. Yay. So this chapter really had no path or anything, it was just random. I'm sorry if It sucked.

I will try to update more. I cannot promise anything. But yeah. Anyways, thanks for reading this chapter. Vote, Comment, Follow me.

I Lovvvee You So Much! Byyee!




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