The Unconvincing Turtle Titan

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At night, a manhole slid open as Leo climbed out of it along with his brothers and Yuuki. They flipped over a car, except for Yuuki who ran around it, then took cover around a corner of an alley. "Remember that the purpose of this training exercise is to master the way of invisibility." Leo whispered to them then runs down as they followed staying in the shadows of the building, unseen.

"Haven't you noticed how much safer the streets are since we put the smackdown on that Shredder dude?" Mikey asked. They stopped and looked at him

"Looks like we really accomplished something for the greater good" Mikey pointed out with his hands on his hips.

Everyone busted out laughing, besides Yuuki who frowned at them as they did.

"Greater good? Please." Leo replied as he waved his hand

" What are you, running for office?" Donnie asked sarcastically

"Ha, get over yourself already." Raph commented

Police sirens could be heard growing closer to them.

"Fine, make fun but I still think that we could still be doing a whole lot more to help people." Mikey explained as they quickly hid behind a dumpster as the police car drove by them. They peeked up from the dumpster to see where it was going, curiously. They gasped in shock when they saw a building on fire. The fire department was struggling to try and put it out. Everyone watched in interest until they saw a little girl cry out who was stuck on the building.

Her parents tried to get through the barricade but a firefighter pushes them back "You gotta stay back." The girl coughed with tears in her eyes. Yuuki watched in sadness wanting to help.

" We gotta help that kid!" Mikey yelled out as he was about to jump in.

Leo stopped him "Hang on the fire department got it covered. Besides, we'd get spotted."

"But we could -"

"Don't worry Mikey. It's covered." Donnie answered as he looked up and smiled

"But what if they don't get her in time?" Mikey asked

"Then he will." Raph replied as he pointed to the sky.

A man in a silver suit a dark blue cape and mask flew up in front of the moon. "Wow." Mikey replied in awe" The man flys towards the window where the girl was "It's really him." Mikey murmured. They saw the man grab the girl from the window "Silver Century." Mikey explained. Silver Century flew down to the girls parents letting her run to them "Mommy! Daddy!" she exclaimed happily as she hugged them.

"My baby!" The mother replied in relief as she hugged her "Oh, you're safe! "

The building began to explode. "Stand back." Silver Century replied to the firefighters. He flew up then took in a deep breath and blowed the fire out like it was a candle and everyone cheered as he flew away.

"See, now that's what I'm talking about. There's a guy who doesn't have to stick to the shadows and look what he's able to do." Mikey commented as Donnie and Raph walked away

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