I, Monster

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The four brothers climbed out of Casey and April's van, along with Alopex, and Yuuki, and Casey showed them where he took them. It was an abandoned run down mill filled with buildings that were halfway done being built. "Is it perfect or what? Used to take the train out here after school to raise some-" Casey stopped. "Uh, you know, to get away from it all!"

"I didn't know that there were any places like this left in the boroughs. Room to move, shadows everywhere to hide in." Donnie said.

"It's like a ninja playground!" Mikey grinned.

"What do you think, Leo?" Casey asked.

"We're losing daylight, let's get training." Leo replied and walked away from the group, hopping over the fence.

"Yes, sir, mister sunshine, sir." Raph deadpanned. The rest of the group easily and gracefully hopped over the fence, and they heard a thud and saw that Casey had fell as he tried to jump over the fence. He grumbled and stood up, brushing himself off.

"What's this screwy game called again?" Casey asked.

"It's called stealth hunter. Yours truly is the stealth master! I get a ten second head start and then you guys start hunting." Mikey explained, excitedly.

"We have to capture the flag ninja style. He'll be wearing a bandanna that we have to take from him. So far, none of us has been able to protect the bandanna for longer than 15 minutes." Donnie finished.

"But then, none of you is Michelangelo, Battle Nexus Champion!" Mikey shouted. "And he who moves like the shadow!"

"Hey, shadow, think fast!" Raph shouted and he whipped Mikey in the arm with the bandanna.

"Ow!" Mikey quickly grabbed the banana from Raph. "One, two, three, go!" and he quickly sped off, leaving the others.

"Hey!" Raph shouted.

"Clock's ticking, guys! Catch me if you can!" Mikey shouted and laughed.

"Anybody else want to leave the Battle Nexus Champion here to play by himself?" Raph smirked.

"And miss the chance to tag Mikey? You gotta be kidding." Casey said.

The group walked further into the complex as they searched through the buildings to look for Mikey but still haven't caught or spotted him yet.

"Man, this place is even bigger than I thought!" Raph shouted.

"Plenty of places for a ninja turtle to hide!" Donnie said.

"Oh, let's split up and find that chowder head." Raph said. "And Casey, don't get lost. Cause I ain't looking for you too!" Everyone went their separate ways to look for Mikey. Raph kicked opened a door and slowly walked in. However, he wasn't alone. Something lurked in the shadows watching Raph's every move as he searched the building looking for Mikey.

"Gotcha!" Raph shouted. He quickly turned around only to grab thin air behind him. He could've sworn he sensed someone was behind him. "Keep messing around, Mikey, and I might start playing rough!" Raph growled.

Casey kicked opened the door as he walked into another building. Mikey gulped as he hid beside the door in the shadows. He saw Casey walk into the room. "Come out, come out, wherever you are?" Casey said.

Mikey giggled to himself and quietly tip toed away. "You don't know the power of the dark side, Casey Jones." Mikey replied then the floorboards creaked underneath him. Casey stopped in his tracks and turned around.

"Hey!" Casey shouted.

"Eep!" Mikey squeaked and quickly ran.

"Hey, I saw that!" Casey shouted, chasing after him. Mikey quickly flipped onto the next level of the building and saw Casey running out the door. "I know that was you, Mikey! Michelangelo! Weasley turtle..."

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