NANO Part 1

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Yuuki slowly opened her eyes got up after a good nights sleep. She looked over at the alarm clock in the dresser beside her bed to see that it was after noon. She climbed out of her bed and got dressed putting her red sweater and blue jeans on.

"Today's going to be a new day."

As she walked down the stairs heading to the front door, she grabbed her dark brown jacket, hanging from the coat hanger, and slid it on. She placed her hand on the knob and turned to open it.

As she did a voice called out from behind her "Sweetie, wait before you go, take this."

She turned around to see that it was her father. Yuuki looked down to see that he was holding out something to her. She frowned and replied "A taser? Seriously, that's a bit overreacting don't you think?"

Her father answered "I want you to be able to defend yourself."

Yuuki stared at it, debating on whether or not to take it, until she made up her mind and replied "Okay, I will take it to make you stop talking."

As she was walking down the street after a couple of blocks. She came across a sign of a store and stopped.She looked and read it "Second time around?"

She opened the door and and a small bell ringed as she did and walked in.

A woman's voice answered "I'll be out in just a minute! Have a look around the shop. "

A woman wearing a dark purple shirt and brown jeans, with vibrant red hair put up in a bun with two strands hanging on the side of her face and emerald green eyes walked out. She smiled "Hello, I'm April O'Neil!"

"Do you see anything that you like?"

Yuuki replied "I'm just browsing."

April asked "You're not much of a talker are you?"

Yuuki didn't answer.

She continued "You look like you've got something on your mind? Want to talk about it?"

Yuuki answered her "Not really... "

"I don't know. Yesterday was kind of a weird day for me."

April made a small laugh and smiled "I can relate. What happened?"

Yuuki continued "I was attacked by people who i don't have a clue as to why. Rescued by these four strange creatures. Then I find out that my entire life's been not what I thought it was. It's like a dream that I can't wake up from."

April's eyes widen in surprise "Wait a minute. Did you say four creatures?"

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