Chapter 6

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  It has been three months without Steven around. Sam went to visit Steven and he came back telling me he looked like a homeless man. I cried.

"I'll go talk to him."

Sam left and I went down to the park with Lily and Snickers.

"Steven, you need to see Hailey and the baby."


  "Yes, don't you remember that Hailey was pregnant before she told you?"

"Wait, yes."

  Then go after her!!!" I looked at the shining lake and I knew this was the day. I was dying. I felt in the deepest bones in my body. God was waiting for me. All of a sudden I hear Steven call my name. I looked up to see he was standing ten feet away from me. He started walking towards me, but I urged him to stop. I struggled to get out of the wheel chair, but with strength from God I waked all those ten feet to be with Steven. Steven looked at me in awe, until I fell in his arms. I handed Lily over to him.

  "This is your daughter Steven."

  I said it so weakly. I wanted to die.

  "Steven, take care of our Lily."

  "No Hailey, don't go." Steven started to cry and I touched his face.

   "I finally know the reason why God let me live this long."


  "Because of you."

  "No Hailey!!!"

  "Don't go." I was gone.

Six years later.

  "Lily it is time for you to do to bed."
"But daddy I want you to read me a bed time story."
"The Fox and the Hound, No I'm going to read you a different story."

"What story is that daddy?" "You see that picture of that women?"


"Well that women is your mommy, and I'm going to tell you a story of how he meet, and had you."


"Once upon a time..."

The End

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