Chapter 3

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  Every day I felt myself getting sicker. Steven didn't notice, and I was so relieved that he didn't. Every day was the same routine, eight prescription drugs, Treatment, nutritious meals. It was getting boring. I stayed home that day to get some rest, watching Glee and skyping my friends.

  Steven didn't quite understand what was going on, but I chose not to tell him, but I still don't want to lie to him. I went to sleep early that night and had a dream that Steven got mad that I told him the truth. I woke up and told myself that I wouldn't tell him.

  My mom woke me up the next morning, which was unusual. She told me to get dressed and get in the car. I had no idea where we were going. My mom took me up to the north part of Chicago where it was all grassy, and fields, and water lines. She took me up this rode to this tree, while we went drove up I saw Steven waiting with a small box.

"Hey Hailey."

Steven told me that he put a letter in the box with his dreams and he told me to do the same. He gave me a pen and paper and this is what I wrote.

  o A doctor

  o Singer

  o Actress

  o Photographer

  I put my letter in the box and we both buried it at the tree. We promised each other that we would meet there every Friday precisely at noon. I could drive myself now and it felt good to be back to driving.

  Steven was walking down the street, and I offered him a ride to where he was going. Steven and I got so much closer between the months we've been together. Life is just so much better with him in my life. I didn't tell Steven about the cancer and that I might not live long enough to see my dreams come true. My mom keeps asking the doctor what she could do, or if there is a way to keep me alive longer. I'm terrified, but also happy because I won't suffer anymore. I just kept telling myself whether I should tell Steven, or leave it to my own business, though he's my friend I just don't want to hurt him. My friends were putting together a birthday party for me. I decided to invite Steven because I haven't seen him in two weeks.

  My birthday party was a blast. Everyone I knew from school was there. Later in the week on Friday me and Steven went to our tree and sat under it for three hours. Everything was silent until Steven started asking about Cancer and how his mom has it. I couldn't believe it, so I chose not to tell him, but I did tell him that it's a miracle or the doctors can treat her right away. That week was horrible. My legs hurt all week and a pain moved up to my arms. I couldn't move them. My mom took me to the Hospital and the doctors put a new medicine in my machine. The medicine seemed to be helping my legs and my arms. I tried walking without the wheelchair. I could only walk around for an hour. I started walking around with crutches, which actually helped. The medicine kicked in and I got to walk without anything, I felt normal again.

  I didn't go out when I was walking, so Steven wouldn't know. I still had my wheelchair, so whenever Steven came b I would sit in the wheelchair. A week went by and Steven went on a little vacation with Sam and his Aunt. I got out of bed that morning and walked down stairs. I opened the pantry to get my Cereal, when all of a sudden I found myself on the floor. My mom came running into the kitchen and called an ambulance. Dr. Martinez took an x-ray and told me that the medicine stopped working. It was the worst news ever. I told Kailey, and she couldn't believe it. I called Steven so I could get my mind off of the news. Steven took me up to the tree that we buried our dreams at. There was a part of the tree that was broken off, and Steven carved our names into it.

H & S 4 ever

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