Chapter 5

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5)Another month gone, and still no Steven. I thought I might just file a divorce, but I didn't want to. I went down to the park with Lily in my arms. She looked so much like her dad, it made me cry. I looked towards the city where Steven was and then looked to my side remembering when Steven would come up and surprise me. I missed him so much. I couldn't think of Lily ever growing up without her dad. I barely ate anything these days. Without Steven around my world is nothing, but now that I have Lily in my life everything is complete. I love her with all my heart and I need Steven, but maybe it's best that I just forget about him. I can't. Every time I try it burns my heart, and Kills me. I need to go to the pier and thin things straight. I took Lily with me so I could show her where we met. But it is sad because she will never grow up to know me. I hate the feeling you get when you know it won't be you that is there for your child every step of the way, every mile stone they accomplish. If you are a parent you know how hard it is when you are sick and you can't go anywhere to be there with your child

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