Chapter 2

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  I had a sonogram appointment, and Steven went with me. Oh and they told us it was a girl when I was two months pregnant. She was healthy, and I cried when I heard her heart beat. We spent the whole rest of the day trying to find a name for her, but we still needed time. Steven got a good job that paid very well. With the money we were able to get the baby clothes we needed for when she would come home. Yes these nine months have been tiring, but I've been going through worst with the cancer.

  Nine months of no treatment caught up to me finally, and I threw up repeatedly every hour, and I just told Steven I had a stomach flu, and that I will be fine. I need to tell him the truth, but I'm waiting for the right time to tell him. I know I should have told him before hand, the day we started dating. But I shut down all of a sudden and just couldn't get the words out, like I could when I told my mom, Kailey, Sam, and my other friends. It really does bring me down to so little time and so little possibilities left, so I've decided right hear and right now that I will tell him. He deserves to know the truth

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