Chapter 3

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3)We drove to the airport to grab our plane. It was a lone fourteen hour flight but we made the most of it by watching movies on our tablet, and talking about how life was so much better now. Just as we knew we looked out the window and we could see the Eiffel Tower and Arche De Triumph. I shrieked and kissed Steven. We got of the plane and Steven rolled me down the ramp. We went to the taxi to get to our hotel. Our hotel was beautiful and it was a couple streets away from the Eiffel Tower. I just sat next to the window staring at it, and then me and Steven and I finally closed the door, and did what newlyweds do. The next day we went sightseeing and we stood on top of the Eiffel tower it was so fun and Beautiful. We made a video to show our kids and family when we get back home. Steven went to the bar and put his arms up to the sky and closed his eyes. It was an amazing time. We went home the week after. I went to visit my family, and showed them the video. There was a lot of laughing and crying. Steven took me down to the park where they were showing Romeo and Juliet. We recited the entire movie. We were having the time of our lives. We went to our place and crashed on the couch I was so exhausted. The next morning I found myself in the bed and I wondered how the heck I got there. Steven woke me up with breakfast in bed and I asked him I got here. "I carried you in here in the middle of the night, the couch was so uncomfortable, and I fell off." I laughed and I ate my breakfast

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