Chapter 5

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  Our love grew every day. It was Friday and he took me up to the tree. He sat on the floor next to me. It was our first year anniversary of when we started going out. Steven grabbed my hand. It was a perfect summer romance. It came the day of my dad's wedding. I dressed really pretty and did my hair. I invited my Handsome Steven to come with me. It was so beautiful, and I loved how my dad cried when he said his vows. I just couldn't stop staring at Steven. I gave him a kiss, and we went down to the reception area. The reception took two hours. I Danced with Steven, and I stood on his feet. It hurt like crazy, but I didn't make it obvious. We went home at around two in the morning. I slept in till noon. Steven asked if he could crash on my couch. I wheeled over to the couch and stroked Steven's hair. He looked so peaceful.
  I loved him like I He was Romeo and I was scared to lose him. He finally woke up at 12:30. 

"Hi, Good afternoon."

Steven laughed and sat up on the couch. He kissed me and took my hand. We went down to a McDonalds Across the street from The Park and we sat and talked for an hour. The doctors called my mom and they said they may have a treatment that could help with the cancer spread. I had such a busy life. I hardly ever saw Steven anymore because of all the Doctor's appointments. I He took me down to the graveyard and we visited Kaitlyn's grave. I put a beautiful bouquet of yellow roses. We sat a while up the graveyard under a tree. Steven asked if I wanted to go. We buried is mom right next to Kaitlyn. We went home and watched a movie together. He stayed over again. I went to bed at 8:30 that night, and Steven was down stares talking to my mom. He asked if he could move in to the Room (that used to be my dad's) so that he could help out with me. My mom got so excited and said yes.

  The next morning Steven was already putting his stuff in the house. I felt like Noah Calhoun in The Notebook when Allie comes to live with him. Our love was like a beautiful Romance novel. I Skyped my dad, and asked him how he was. It has been 10 months since the wedding, and His wife had a baby. Amy was an amazing woman and I loved her like she was my mom. Well technically she was. But not really. I went to visit Amy in the Hospital and saw their baby. The baby looked like me when I was little. Well it has the same dad as me. They named her Kathryn Jane Carmichael. She was so beautiful. I went home and showed Steven the pictures of my new baby sister. I wrote a letter today for Steven for when I died.

Dear Steven,

I showed you pictures of my little sister. She is so beautiful. You moved in and every night I go in and look at you sleeping. I love you so much Steven. Don't ever forget it. I will watch over you.

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