chapter 10

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   It was Raining the next day, and Steven and I stayed inside with the heat on and a blanket wrapped around us. He was silent most of the day, so I didn't bother him about it. I took a nap in the middle of the day because I felt sick. Not the sick where you get a clod, but sick when you're dying. Half way through my nap I heard footsteps, but I didn't wake up to see who it was. The footsteps happened to be my dad. He came by to see how I was doing. I told him I was getting worst as the days went on. He sat in the chair next to my bed and held my hand. I fell asleep after a while, and my dad was downstairs when I woke up. Steven was telling my dad how he fell in love with me, and how our relationship is like a romantic novel.

  My dad was surprised when he heard what Steven had been saying to him, when my dad first met Steven, he was extremely quiet. I say Steven became very good friends with my dad that day. The next day I was spending most of the day watching a marathon of Glee episodes I missed, and becoming star-gazed every time I see Blaine Anderson. I know he's gay in the show, but he's still cute, but I do have the best man in the world as my boyfriend. It was football season and we invited all my friends over to watch. Steven and I went to the store the day before and got everything we needed. Steven was working the BBQ, and all the girls wore our Seahawks jerseys. I like the Seahawks because Russell Wilson loves the Lord, and goes to visit kids at the Seattle children's hospital, and contribute so much to them. All of us were having such a good time, and for once in my life I felt healthy. Months went by and the days seemed longer. Steven was always out with Sam now hanging at his house. I Skyped my dad every now and then, but very rarely. Kailey and I went shopping late that afternoon because she was having a party of some kind, but won't tell me what kind of party.

  When we were done we went to her house and all our friends from High School were there. She told us to go inside. She came out blushing and jumping up and down. "My dearest friends, what I'm about to tell you is going to shock you, but I'm Engaged." I shrieked and rolled my chair over to her and I grabbed her hand to look at the ring. It was so beautiful. I Knew she was going to be happy for the rest of her life, and now I know why she was always hanging around Sam because they were dating, and now I hear their engaged. Dreams really do come true, but when you least expect them to. Every day was a pain for me because Kailey wanted me to be the wedding designer. I wanted to do it precisely the way she wanted so I could get home sooner. I took my prescriptions four times a week, and took a nap seven days a week to keep the rest of the energy I have left.

  There has been lots to do since the day of the engagement. I still can't believe I'm the wedding designer and Made of Honor. Steven asked me to go with him to rent a tux. "Hailey should I get this black one, or the white one?" He looked really good in the black one so I told him to get that one. After that we went home and rested the rest of the day because the wedding was the next day. I set the alarm for 4:00 am. I got up and did my makeup and hair, and also Steven's hair. We drove to the Church down the street. That was the church I went to every Sunday. I went into the Brides room to help Kailey with her dress and her make up. The wedding itself was at 7:00 am. Everything was ready by 6:40 and we waited for twenty minutes in the dressing room. And we grew more and more nervous.

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