Chapter 2-what a mom thinks

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                 (Death Rose's POV) why? Because today is the day that I am going to Ciel's manor event though I haven't even left yet and I don't know him very well but I am still excited

"Darling are you ready to go yet?" My mom yelled

"Almost mother just let me get dressed"I yelled back down as I got dressed in a short dark blue dress that went down to my knees and I put on my dark blue flats and I went over to my mirrored desk with all my makeup that I hated putting on but I at least wanted to look nice and I put on black eyeshadow and blue eyeliner and blue lipstick then I walked out of my room. And met my mom down at the bottom of the stairs and we both walked out of the mansion and to where the carriage was waiting for us and we got in but what scared me was my mom kept looking at me weirdly

"Mom what's up you keep staring at me is there something on my face?" I asked her as she turned to look out the window

"No nothing just thinking"she responded still looking out the window

"About whattt" i asked her urging her to tell me what it is

"Just about how sad Edward is going to be if he hears his fiancee is dating someone else" mom said making me jolt my head to look up at him

"What I ligitamly just met him how could we be dating" i asked her confused as to why she would think me and ciel would be dating if I am just now going over to his manor "And yes I know Edward would be very mad if I was dating him to which I am not because Edward hates ciel so much because he has to give up his little sisters hand to him and he dont want to but still dont Edward want me to be happy cause if he did he would let me"

"So you do like Ceil?"asked my mom

"No mom well yes I do just not like that as a friend" I said looking out the window

"Are you sure it is nothing more"mom asked

"Yes mom I am sure"I said getting a bit agitated

"Well OK but if you do get together with him make sure you break off the engagement with Edward OK" mom told me looking at me to make sure I heard her

"It won't ever happen but OK I will" I said looking at her as the carriage came to a stop and the door opened to see the same butler in all black

"Welcome my lady and my queen to the phantomhive manor" he said as he helped us out 

the snow leopard and guard dog (ciel x Death Rose)Where stories live. Discover now