Because I was his employee.

"We'll go as quickly as we came if you don't stop picking on me." He jokes, roping a arm around her shoulder. "So, what's for dinner?"

She smacks his arm and rolls her eyes at me. "Never changes, still has appetite to feed the five thousand. We're having beef stroganoff, I hope you don't mind that Frankie."

"Sounds good." I quietly reply with a smile.

"Great!" She announces. "I'm just about to dish it out. Jase take Frankie to the dining room please, will you?"

Jase. Cute.

He salutes her and we watch as she stalks of back down the endless hallway, her click heels distancing before it goes silent. Jason nudges my arm with his elbow, chuckling deeply under his breath as I narrow my eyes. "Calm down, will you? You're going to be sore if you stay stiff like that. My mom likes you, you don't need to be so nervous."

"You don't know that."

"Of course I do, she's my mother - I know her better than what my dad does. Believe me, she wouldn't hug you if she didn't like you. I don't think Natasha ever got a smile never mind a hug." He tells me. He motions his head and beckons me silently to follow him.

The walls were filled with family photos, the three of them together and ones of Jason on his own. It warms my heart and I hide my smile as I rush to catch up with his long strides. The dining table reminded me of the conference tables back at work, long and able to fit a tribe around it. Twelve seats, but only four place mats with cutlery sat out. Jason pulls out a chair and I mutter a shy thank you, he sits beside me and nudge my knee with his.

"Seriously. Calm down, you're too young for wrinkles."

I roll my eyes, the urge to stick my tongue out being pulled back quickly as a older gentleman sunders through the doors we entered. He was tall like Jason, brown eyes like Jason and every feature just looked like Jason.

If this is what Jason will look like when he's older - Lord save my soul.

"Dad." The elders smile widens and he holds out his arms warmly to embrace his son. I stumble to my feet, smiling timidly as Jason moves aside to introduce me. "Dad this is Frankie, Frankie this is my dad, Colin."

"Nice to meet you, Frankie." He grins, welcoming me into a warm hold.

"Thank you sir, likewise."

Jason chokes back a laugh and I shoot a nasty scowl. We take our seats again, Jason's hand brushing against mine as we pull our chairs in together. He clears his throat, resting his hand quickly into his lap like my touch burnt his skin with acid.

"So, Hong Kong then?"

Business. Already.

"Here's hoping." Jason replies with a firm nod. "We have a few meetings this week, then David and I are hoping to fly out beginning of next week and have the final meeting with the contractors. Hopefully we'll get the green light and building can begin just after Christmas."

"You should start it before." Colin tells him. I can see Jason hesitate to say something, but he quickly recovers. What was he going to say?

"I think after Christmas may be time enough. It'll be open Fall next year."

Colin hums. Their conversations turn into big worded jumbles of contracts and business contacts. While my head started to spin in wonder of whether this was the conversation all the time between the duo, Rachel interrupts by balancing two plates in each hand.

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