Another School Day

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Peter woke up on Monday morning feeling rather anxious about the upcoming school day. During the weekend news had gotten out that he was indeed the son of Tony Stark and Pepper Potts.

All the news channels were talking about it and they even name dropped him a lot. Peter didn't leave the house the entire weekend as he was afraid of being bombarded with reporters and paparazzi.

On Sunday evening his parents had held a emergency press conference in an attempt to control Peter's new found fame. They addressed mainly the news outlets and other media outlets asking them to respect Peter's privacy and to allow him to have a normal life.

Peter was grateful that hus parents went to such lengths for him. It made him smile at the thought.

Peter grabbed his phone off of his night stand and noticed that Michelle, Betty and Ned had left tons of messages for him. He unlocked his phone and began reading them all.

Michelle: Hey boo. Don't worry about today I'm going to be there for you 😘 xx

Betty: Yeah Pete me too

Ned: Same here bro, I always got your back

Michelle: We know there will be alot of people attempting to kiss your ass, but we will make sure they don't get near you

Ned: We'll meet you at yours and we can go to school together.

Peter: Thanks for the support guys. I'm actually getting to school with a security guard. But I'll see you there. Love you MJ 😘😍 xxx

Michelle: Love you too boo xx

Ned: Aww so cute

Ned: #Petelle4ever

Betty: Lol nice one boo xx

Ned: I try babe 😉 xxx

Peter chuckled and put his phone in his pocket. He quickly tidied his room and made his way down stairs. He entered the living room and was surprised to see Wanda Maximoff standing there with a smile. She had blonde hair and was wearing a leather jacket and matching leather leggings and high heeled boots.

When Peter entered she smiled and gave him a hug. He was a little shocked. When she pulled away she spoke in here very slight sokovian accent.

"Hello Peter, looks like I am your body guard," she said with a bright smile.

Tony and Pepper entered from the kitchen, the two were clutching cups of coffee and smiled when they saw Wanda and Peter.

"Well Peter, I see you met Wanda," he said with a smile.

"I thought she was a war criminal?" Peter asked while glancing at Wanda. Tony laughed.

"She's not, she's been cleared alongside the other Avengers after the war with Thanos," chuckled Tony in response to Peter's question.

"Oh," was all that Peter could say in return. This caused everyone to smile a little.

"Come on Peter let's get you to school," laughed Wanda as she put her arm around Peter's shoulder and steered her towards the front door.

Peter shouted his goodbyes over his shoulder as he went into the front garden. When he went outside his mouth dropped when he saw a sleek black Corvette parked on the kerb. Wanda chuckled at his reaction and climbed inside the drivers seat, Peter clambered into the passenger side.

He smiled as she revved the engine and the car shot off in the direction of his school.

After a few minutes of very fast driving they pulled up to the front of the school. Many students began crowding around the car appreciating it's sleek design.

Wanda opened the car door and exited the vehicle quickly followed by Peter who was slinging his bag over his shoulder. Many people were staring at Peter and Wanda while whispering.

Nobody came near Peter as he approached the school and once he was at the front doors he was met by a hug from Michelle. Wanda smiled uttering something under her breath about young love.

Ned and Betty were standing close by with their arms around each other. While smiling at their two friends.

After a few moments they broke the hug apart and they were smiling. Peter turned to speak with Wanda.

"Thanks for dropping me off Wanda," he said happily.

"Ha! I'm staying little brother," she said with a wink. Peter gasped in response.

"No please don't come to school with me Wanda! I need this to be normal. How can it be normal with an Avenger in my classes!?" he panicked.

Wanda looked like she was thinking then she nodded, "Okay Pete, but the moment you're in trouble call me. My number is already in your phone."

She ruffled his hair and walked back to the car, everyone watched as she went, mainly the guys.

Peter sighed a sigh of relief when she got into the Corvette and sped off. He glanced around and noticed that all eyes were on him. This didn't faze him at all though.

He simply placed his arm around his girlfriends shoulders and walked into the school with his head held high.

The day went considerably well. Nobody bothered him too much and anyone that tried to get close to Peter and question him was quickly scared away by Michelle and some of the football team. What was a considerable improvement was that Flash didn't turn up to school at all that day. He was finally being left alone. That was until fifth period gym class.

Everyone lined up in gym class. They were going to attempt to tackle the obstacle course. Everyone wanted to attempt to beat Peter's school record. By the time Dawson stepped up the doors to the gym flew open and an angry looking Flash Thompson stormed in in baggy clothes and wearing a leather jacket.

Peter could feel his spider sense ringing like crazy. Everything seemed to slow down. Peter watched as Flash pulled a gun from beneath his jacket and aimed it towards Dawson.

Everyone froze Peter began running and a bang sounded. Dawson's eyes widened in fear. But before the bullet could strike him Peter jumped in front and the bullet pierced his abdomen. He let out yelp of pain and collapsed to the ground. Everything began to darken down.

He could faintly hear screams in the backdrop but they sounded muffled. He tried to look up, he could feel the blood leaving his body. He looked to see Flash holding a gun at Michelle. She had tears streaming down her face. Flash looked crazy.

A shot of adrenaline flew through Peter's body. A stood up shakily and staggered to where Flash stood. Everyone cheered and Flash turned to see Peter standing there groggily with blood soaking his abdomen. Flash laughed and pointed the gun at Peter once more.

Peter was extremely quick and snatched the gun out if Flash's hand and he threw it across the gym. He then threw a punch at Flash's face with as much strength as he could muster. As soon as Peter's fist met Flash's face, Flash dropped to the ground unconscious.

Peter looked at him for a second then looked to his friends, the darkness overtook him and he dropped to the floor.

Evryone began screaming when Peter dropped and his blood began pooling around him. The door to the gym burst open and a very angry Wanda and Vision appeared.

They both ran to Peter and began checking on him.

"He has lost a lot of blood and the bullet seems to have passed through without hitting vital organs. I shall send a communication to Mr Stark in regards to his situation," said Vison calmly. He lifted Peter and flew off towards the Avengers Tower for immediate medical attention.

Wanda stayed behind and questioned everyone about what happened to Peter. When Flash began to stir she kicked him in the head knocking him completely out.

Moments later the authorities arrived and arrested Flash and questioned the witnesses in regards to the events that had transpired.

When Wanda and the police left and teachers had arrived everyone was wondering the same thing. Is Peter going to survive?

They were all talking about how he had saved Dawson and had saved Michelle both of whom were crying silently along with Ned and Betty over what occurred. One thing was certain though. Peter was a hero, just like his dad.

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